
I have lost 212 pounds and had my consult with the plastic surgeon for panniculectomy and tummy tuck. I keep thinking my stomach is too big! Although I weigh only 220lbs now, I still look around 300 lbs because of the size of my pannus. I would love to hear from anyone who has had a large pannus removed and how they feel about the results    — pattyincali (posted on April 30, 2003)

April 29, 2003
I just had a lower body lift 4/4. Boy am I happy with the results!! I'm not saying that it did not hurt, but I think it was well worth it. I would say 2 weeks of pain (first 10 days pain killers). I lost about 175# before my operation. Good Lux
   — Robert L.

April 29, 2003
Check out my profile. I had a panniculectomy after losing 250lbs. All total, the plastic surgeon removed about 45 pounds of excess skin off my body. I love the way I look now, although I do miss my 'posterior exuberance'...good luck!
   — merri B.

April 29, 2003
I had lost about 180 pounds when I had my panniculectomy. I weighed in at 300 pounds when I had my panni. HOwever, with my large pannus I looked like I weighed 500 pounds. I had mine removed and I can't be happier!! It was for me more painful than my RNY, and more trouble than my rny, but I would do it all over tomorrow. RIght now, my upper belly...under my breasts is causing problems and I am contemplating having that removed as well. I still have a huge butt...however now I have a flat tummy. I have some pictures on my website of my month-to -month progress. When you see the difference beween October 02 and November 02...its a shock..I went from not being able to wear anything that wasn't knit to wearing jeans!! good luck!! Oh, and I have some fairly graphic pictures both before and after of my scar, and how I lookedf just before and just after surgery. E-mail me privately and I will provide you with them if you want. website:\wls
   — Pamela P.

April 29, 2003
I had lost about 180 pounds when I had my panniculectomy. I weighed in at 300 pounds when I had my panni. HOwever, with my large pannus I looked like I weighed 500 pounds. I had mine removed and I can't be happier!! It was for me more painful than my RNY, and more trouble than my rny, but I would do it all over tomorrow. RIght now, my upper belly...under my breasts is causing problems and I am contemplating having that removed as well. I still have a huge butt...however now I have a flat tummy. I have some pictures on my website of my month-to -month progress. When you see the difference beween October 02 and November 02...its a shock..I went from not being able to wear anything that wasn't knit to wearing jeans!! good luck!! Oh, and I have some fairly graphic pictures both before and after of my scar, and how I lookedf just before and just after surgery. E-mail me privately and I will provide you with them if you want. website:\wls
   — Pamela P.

April 29, 2003
I had lost about 180 pounds when I had my panniculectomy. I weighed in at 300 pounds when I had my panni. HOwever, with my large pannus I looked like I weighed 500 pounds. I had mine removed and I can't be happier!! It was for me more painful than my RNY, and more trouble than my rny, but I would do it all over tomorrow. RIght now, my upper belly...under my breasts is causing problems and I am contemplating having that removed as well. I still have a huge butt...however now I have a flat tummy. I have some pictures on my website of my month-to -month progress. When you see the difference beween October 02 and November 02...its a shock..I went from not being able to wear anything that wasn't knit to wearing jeans!! good luck!! Oh, and I have some fairly graphic pictures both before and after of my scar, and how I lookedf just before and just after surgery. E-mail me privately and I will provide you with them if you want. website:\wls
   — Pamela P.

April 29, 2003
I had lost about 180 pounds when I had my panniculectomy. I weighed in at 300 pounds when I had my panni. HOwever, with my large pannus I looked like I weighed 500 pounds. I had mine removed and I can't be happier!! It was for me more painful than my RNY, and more trouble than my rny, but I would do it all over tomorrow. RIght now, my upper belly...under my breasts is causing problems and I am contemplating having that removed as well. I still have a huge butt...however now I have a flat tummy. I have some pictures on my website of my month-to -month progress. When you see the difference beween October 02 and November 02...its a shock..I went from not being able to wear anything that wasn't knit to wearing jeans!! good luck!! Oh, and I have some fairly graphic pictures both before and after of my scar, and how I lookedf just before and just after surgery. E-mail me privately and I will provide you with them if you want. website:\wls
   — Pamela P.

April 30, 2003
Patricia, I had my panniculus removed in February of this year and it has made a HUGE difference! I had a belt lipectomy because my panniculus started from way in the back and a very large incisional hernia was repaired. My doctor removed 20 pounds during the surgery so I saw results right away! My results have been fantastic and I can't believe how much freedom I feel. Walking, bathing, sitting, standing are so much more comfortable. I'm thankful every day. I have some before/after picture that I can send you from my plastic surgeon. E-mail me if you would like to see them. Pam
   — Pamela B.

April 30, 2003
hi there :) wow! what a difference it made, the results were instantanious!!! it removed 12lbs off the belly! i was right around 178 or 179 at the time of the surgery on march 27 03, i started at 5 9 370, im now weighing in at 165.there will be swelling and numbeness for a while and due to the swelling and fluid etc, it may take a while for the scale to register the lbs lost from the excess skin but youll still see and feel the difference right away, swelling and all!!!in one word i feel "free"!! best of luck to you!!! it is so worth anything you ll have to endure. :)
   — carrie M.

April 30, 2003
I'm planning on having this done this summer at a mid-way point. I've lost 150, but still have 90 to go. Everyone seems to think this will help tremendously. My plastic surgeon estimated 30 pounds of stomach gone!! I can't wait!!!!!!
   — jen41766

April 30, 2003
I found my lap !!!!!!!! What a unexpected joy. I have never had a flat stomach, always had to wear shirts down to my knees (Ha) almost, and this tt made so much difference I cannot express how happy I am, even though I am older you never stop wanting to look good. Go for it, and the weight will keep coming off, I had lost 90 at the time of surgery, then went on to lose 40 more, saw a difference right after the tt, best of everything to you, watch out here comes a tummy (Flat of course, God Bless, Susie
   — lostitall

May 1, 2003
This is not an answer to you TT question...but I wanted you to know that I am printing your whole story and taking it with me to the hospital. I want to read it so I dont chicken out, or panic at the last minute. You were so very positive about your surgery, I would like to be able to be the same. We are the same age, and our starting weights are the same as well. I really would like to visit with you before my surgery. My surgery date is May the 19th. I think that is 18 more days and counting. I have not gotten excited yet, I still have lots of shots, (blood thinners), and some pre-op testing to do the week before surgery.(I think that they have done enough). I really wanted to say thank-you for the time you took to post your progress. Your story will really help me through surgery. I plan on reading it everyday, along with my affermations, to prepair mentally for surgery. Thank you again, and good luck on your TT. Rachel In Arkansas May 19, 2003 (sounds more like a wedding date than a surgery date)
   — Rachel D.

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