I never get thirsty anymore? Anyone else?

I usually drink several cups of coffee in the morning at work each day. Other than that, I go an entire day without drinking anything or even getting thirsty. I never just sit down with a glass of something and drink it. It's not that I don't like the taste of anything - I just don't think about it at all. Anyone else notice this?    — Michael N. (posted on January 6, 2003)

January 6, 2003
Hi,, I know what you mean about not being thirsty. I know I'm suppose to drink lots of water. In the morning I will fill a glass with ice water, by bedtime it usually has a few sips gone from it. Lately I have been trying to force myself to drink more, even though I'm not thirsty much, I make myself drink.
   — Amy Hoffman

January 6, 2003
Please make yourself drink non-caffinated fluids-- at least 64 oz. and then 8 oz for each 8 oz of coffee. Caffinated drinks do not count as fluids, because they are eliminated quickly-- and help take other fluids with them. Without significant amounts of fluids, you may be severely damaging your kidneys. Take care of yourself!
   — Beth S.

January 6, 2003
You didn't say how far out you are. That will probably change in time. At first I had to forse every sip I took but after about 8 wks it changed. Now I am thirsty all the time. I drink at least 3 24oz bottles of water a day, plus iced tea about once a day. I don't drink coffee so the tea is the only caffine I get.
   — Tawnda C.

January 6, 2003
You didn't say how far out you are. That will probably change in time. At first I had to forse every sip I took but after about 8 wks it changed. Now I am thirsty all the time. I drink at least 3 24oz bottles of water a day, plus iced tea about once a day. I don't drink coffee so the tea is the only caffine I get.
   — Tawnda C.

January 6, 2003
OMG you look AMAZING!!!! I had my surgery May 21, 2002. If I dont have something right NEXT to me to sip I forget to drink too. I am just NOT thirsty. P.S. I liked the goatee. lol If you find a magic answer let me know, I could use some help here too!~Good luck
   — Sassy M.

January 6, 2003
Caffeine and dehyrdation is a medical myth which is slowly being debunked. The diuretic effect is slight verses the hydration benefits. Do a search on Hydration and Caffeine and you can read through the various studies/opinions etc. <p> Regardless whether or not something is a diuretic, the true test for dehydration is urine color - it should be clear or a very pale yellow (yellow is uric acid - waste from Purine and Pyrimidine metabolism - amino acid waste). Uric Acid discharge should stay fairly constant throughout the day and if your urine has a high concentration of it then you are dehydrated as not enough fluids are passing through your kidneys or passing through too slowly allowing build up of Uric Acid. That's the best I know about Uric Acid and dehydration - please visit your local library for more adventures in biology haha. <p> Anyways about 80% of my fluid intake is either coffee/soda/tea. According to the anti-caffeine camp, I should be pretty dehydrated, however that is not the case since my urine is very clear (an indicator of good hydration). <p>Take Care, Be Well, and Be Happy!
   — John T.

January 6, 2003
You sound like me. And my dh. When I had my kidney stone, he was amused. Not going to happen to him. True, he had 3 and required surgery to take care of them! (men!) First the surgeons yelled at me (not him, of course), then the urologist, then even the DENTIST. He said that my darlings (coffee, tea, cola) only fool the body into thinking it is hydrated. So, they tend to kill normal thirst. I can certainly vouch for THAT. Unfortunately, we've both paid the price for that thinking. Signed, Stubborn to the Core
   — vitalady

January 6, 2003
Thirst is one of the many things I lost when I had WLS. I used to drink ALL day long. And now I barely drink at all. I only like tea & skim milk...
   — Tracy A.

January 6, 2003
I've noticed my biggest problem is that I can't chug the water anymore. I used to get alot of water in very fast and I just can't do that anymore. I have a hard time getting all my water in when I can only sip - it takes forever to drink anything.
   — Toni C.

January 6, 2003
I'm the original poster. I just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words and advice. This website is a Godsend and so are all of you! Thanks again. - Mike
   — Michael N.

January 7, 2003
I just wanted to add my thoughts since this hits close to home with me as well. I find that if I start my day with a protein drink and follow it by water BEFORE I have my coffee I tend to drink more water throughout the day. Medically/Chemically it probably makes no sense at all, but it works for me. If I start my day with coffee I tend to not even think about drinking througout the day. BTW, I need to mimic the "You look Awesome" comment from a previous poster. All I can say is "WOW!"
   — pam29922

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