How many ounces are you allowed to eat

I am at 3 months postop, and I am allowed to eat 4-6 oz. Is that normal for everyone? Are some allowed to eat more, some less? Please tell me you diet. Thank you. I am down 54lbs now.    — Leah G. (posted on December 15, 2002)

December 15, 2002
I am at 5 months post op. I eat 2-3 oz of the more solid foods and 4 oz of stuff like Wendy's chili. You should eat whatever amount your surgeon tells you to...JR (open RNY 07/17 -126 lbs)
   — John Rushton

December 15, 2002
I had an upper GI series done when I was 8 months post-op. My pouch was about 4 ounces which the radiologist said was perfect. I can eat maybe 6 ounces of things like cottage cheese or yogurt but only 3 ounces of dense meats. Follow your doctors guidelines... Mine does not have us measure or weigh foods - he wants us to learn how to judge without the trappings of dieting.
   — Patty_Butler

December 15, 2002
Hi there. I'm just shy of 3 months out (Wednesday is 3 months exactly) and I only eat 2 ounces of regular solid food. Now, when it comes to soup or things like that I can eat about 4-5 ounces. I have to get my sticture dilated the 23rd of this month and it should be better after that. Open RNY 09/25/02 -64lbs.
   — Rachel W.

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