Has anyone with Crohn's Disease had success with WLS?

I am seeking approval for WLS and have had Crohn's for 5 years, and a colostomy for 2 years. I am seeking information from anyone who has had success with WLS and who has Crohn's Disease.    — Pam M. (posted on August 30, 2002)

August 30, 2002
Pam, this question comes up from time to time and I have yet to see anyone post a clear answer. First, let me say I am sorry to hear that you have such a rotten disease. Crohns sucks worse than about anything I can think of. My husband has Crohns, so I know all about it, but I don't know about Crohns and WLS surgery. Based on my knowledge of Crohns, I do have some recomendations. Be sure to talk to your GI, or whoever treats your Crohns first. As you know, Crohns can attack anywhere in the digestive system and it is really important to know where your active Crohns is. Your GI will need to be as involved in your decision as your WLS Surgeon. I think it will depend on how active your Crohns is and where it is active. Also, because you've already had surgery for your Crohn's you may be more likely to need more surgery in the future? If you also have an RNY for example, part of your intestine will be bypassed. How much instestine can you afford to loose? These are the questions that will need to be addressed. I wouldn't recomend moving forward with WLS unless you have a VERY experienced Dr. who really understands Crohns (I know that can be hard to find.) If you want to chat more about WLS or Crohns, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Also, Robin Turkin from FL posted a similar question recently. Mine was the only responce, but you might want to look up her profile and get in touch with her. Maybe she got a better answer from her doctor.
   — Amber L.

August 30, 2002
My surgeon does the Lap Band on Chrons folks.
   — bob-haller

February 13, 2004
I have the RNY Gastric Bypass in March 2002. I have lost a total of 234 lbs. Gone from 361 to 127. I am too thin now. I found out today I have Crohn's Disease. They say the Gastric Bypass looks absolutely wonderful, and I still have to have more tests about the Small Bowel, they think that is where the Crohn's is.
   — mikesheartbeat

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