Does anyone have any suggestions for correct coding?

My plastic surgeon's biller and the hospital don't have much experience with RECONSTRUCTIVE surgery following morbid obesity, and seem to either write common billing codes or classify the procedure as 'cosmetic surgery'. I need some suggestions for appropriate billing codes for reconstructive surgery of the legs and arms following the disease process of severe morbid obesity. Codes used for debulking skin following lymphedema would be useful too. By the way, I am through my second reconstructive procedure. I weighed in today at 248, down from my date-of-WLS-weight of 494. I feel like crap because on Monday, I had the lower body lift and one of my legs done. I am going back next Thursday to have the other one done. Any sympathy, tea and There, There, You Poor Dear comments would be welcome. I posted an update to my profile. Thanks, gang. I couldn't have gotten this far without y'all....    — merri B. (posted on July 13, 2002)

July 13, 2002
Merri, You can check out the following: The American Medical Association gives patients free access to CPT codes. I hope this helps.
   — Pamela B.

July 13, 2002
Hi. Try Sue Barr's website/section on Reconstructive Surgery. It's the best! Includes codes, letters, etc... Good Luck!!
   — Rebecca T.

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