Anyone out there have this kind of infection after their surgery???

A few days after I went home after surgery I was back in the hospital. After numerous tests and a lot of pain I found out I had pneumonia in my left lung and an infection between my same lung and diaphragm. This was back in January and I spent the whole month of January in the hospital. They put a drain tube in me to drain the infection and I was on high doses of antibiotics. Here it is, almost June, and I still suffer from extreme discomfort, (at times), in my left side and rib area. The doc says it is scar tissue. I had a CAT scan done a couple weeks ago and the doc didn't see he still says it is scar tissue. I have to take pain meds almost everyday. Just wondering if there is anyone out there who has gone thru the same thing?? Is it normal to still have pain and discomfort?? Thanks!    — Kim B. (posted on May 30, 2002)

May 30, 2002
Kim, I had pnenmonia and pleursey too. The pleural fluid around the lungs that got infected is what is causing you so much pain. It can develop into scar tissue and it sounds as if that is what has happened to you. I know it is terribly painful. You need to see a pulmonary physician to see what can be done to help you recoover from this. Ask your doctor to refer you if you are on an HMO - otherwise, make the appointment yourself. I hope you feel better soon! Carol
   — Carol W.

May 30, 2002
Hello Kim. I'm so sorry you are feeling like this. Recovery from these surgeries can be difficult even for those with no complications. And to think you have been feeling like this for more than 5 months - my heart goes out to you. Like you, I developed an infection soon after surgery, which led to pneumonia. I was in the hospital for treatment of these two "complications". Unlike you however, my pain/discomfort did not continue much beyond that hospital stay. Obviously, your infection and/or pheumonia were more severe than mine. I'm sorry I don't have any insight or advice for you. But your post touched me, and I can only wish you the best of luck. Kevin
   — meilankev

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