Last night and this morning I have been experiancing

some severe abdominal pain, much like cramps but I hardly ever have my period or have cramps, what could this be??? could it be a bowel problem? or something wrong? what should I do?    — Deanna Wise (posted on April 22, 2002)

April 22, 2002
I am not a doctor but it could be any number of things like a gall bladder attack, appendix, or diverticulitis all of those have adominal pain associated with them or it could be something else. I would call your doctor and get it checked out asap. Good Luck
   — Tammy N.

April 22, 2002
Deanna-go to your dr.-go to the emergency room. I had severe cramping three weeks ago, thought it was a bad urinary tract infection, ended up being kidney stones! So don't wait-by the way, I've read your profile and you are doing as good as I am!! Keep up the good work!
   — Tris H.

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