Valtrex: dosing and absorption, post-RNY

I'm going to call a spade a spade here. I'm recently separated from my husband, and I'm going to start dating soon. I'm 4.5 months post-op from my RNY (and down 100 lbs!) and I have herpes. I'll tell my future partners about herpes but I'd love to skip the actual outbreaks. I'm going to talk to my doctor about getting on Valtrex, but I'm wondering if I should ask for the liquid (and probably an 800mg daily dose?) or for the caplets... is the 500mg caplet the same size or smaller than the 1g caplet? It sounds like I should be on 1 gram a day, based on the on-line prescribing info, but of course that's up to my doctor. Does anyone know how well we absorb this medication with the RNY? My doctor is unlikely to know (I'm his first WLS patient). Any post-op folks taking the same dosage as they were pre-op noticing more outbreaks? Gosh, I guess I'm out of the closet about EVERYTHING here now. LOL Thanks in advance for any info. If it matters, I've had HSV-2 for 15 years and have 4-10 outbreaks a year.    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 5, 2002)

February 5, 2002
I didnt even know they had 'liquid' Valtrex. I had the RNY 11/00 and also have HSV. I take Valtrex on a 'need' to use basis... and have had no trouble with take it in pill form... but everyon is different. I take the same amount post that I did pre op. One pill a day - for a few days if I feel 'I need it'... but I could take it daily.. Im set up for that.. seems to be working fine... no OB in over a year.. and im 15 months post.
   — [Anonymous]

February 5, 2002
I, too, have herpes. After I had the surgery, my internist put me on the liquid form of zovirax, Acyclovir. Its made by the same company as valtrex, but, it isnt as effective, only about half as strong. I took that for about two months while my stomach was healing. I have been on suppression therapy for almost two years now. I take 500 mg's of valtrex daily. Actually, I split 1000 mg tablets in half, its cheaper getting them that way, according to my pharmacist. Im not sure what size they are compared to what youre taking. I havent had any outbreaks except for one small one about a month out of surgery. Im sure that had a lot to do with it, the shock to my system. I would recommend going with the suppressive therapy, especially with the number of outbreaks you have. I used to only have 2-3 a year. Its a good idea since youre starting to date again. The pills go down fine and they seem to be doing the job they were intended to do. Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

February 6, 2002
I have corneal herpes and take Valtrex each day. Three days prior to surgery and for at least a month post op, I'm taking a dose morning and evening. Since the medication would be too harsh for my new pouch and I would miss doses after the surgery, the doctor put in a g-tube for me. I'm not saying that it is wonderful, but I haven't missed a dose of Valtrex due to the surgery. FYI: Valtrex does not come in a liquid or even IV form.
   — [Anonymous]

February 6, 2002
My understanding is that while the manufacturer does not supply Valtrex in a liquid formulation, a compounding pharmacy can dissolve the tablets (and those of most other drugs) in a reasonable-tasting sugar-free syrup for liquid dosing. This is quite expensive, so it will only be attractive if your insurance pays for all or most of the cost of prescription medications.
   — [Anonymous]

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