Is Crystal Light a diuretic? It makes me feel funny!

I was up to drinking three liters of water a day (at 9.5 weeks post-op) and I feel better when I drink so much water, but I got bored with it. I finally tolerate cold water, so I thought I'd try Crystal Light again (it's terrible at room temperature! LOL) I like the Strawberry Tangerine, and in addition to two liters of water, I drank a liter of the CL today. Normally I to go the bathroom two or three times a day, but today I went like SIX times. I don't see any ingredients that are known diuretics, so I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone ese.    — Julia M. (posted on November 22, 2001)

November 23, 2001
I was told by my doctor what were diuretic and had to stay away from them. He told me all the water, crystal light, none caffeine tea, and broth I wanted. Just by looking at your wonderful liquid intake sure makes me wonder if your system is just responding naturally. You are taking in a good amount! I wish I was there!!! I love my Crystal Light and that is the only liquid I am able to drink well. Good Luck!
   — Pamela W.

November 23, 2001
It is not a diruretic but aspartame makes some people feel funny. I have switched to Splenda for this reason. Aspartame makes my sister feel VERY sick.
   — Lisa B.

November 23, 2001
I love the Cystal Lite peach tea and lemonade but can't drink them or I cough my head off. It does that to my Mom too. We've even tried watering it down... does'nt matter. I've got around 15-20 cans of it too. :(
   — Danmark

November 24, 2001
The Crystal Light in powder form has aspartame and it may cause problems. I'm sensative to it and get very moody & PMS like when I have it. I do drink the Crystal Light that is in bottles---it uses other sweetners, and I find I tolerate it very well. The other product that is really great is the Very Fine Fruit H2O---a non calorie fruit flavored water---even my 10 year old son would rather drink this than Pepsi!
   — Sue F.

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