Medicaid - I am covered by Medicaid of NC and my surgeon has filed paperwork requesting coverage

I would like to know if anyone out there has used Medicaid as an insurer, not for Bariatric surgery but for reconstruction of redundant skin following a massive weight loss. How long do they have to respond and how long has it taken in the past. If not medicaid, I'd just like to know in general, how long, on an average are these responses taking? I lot 180lbs. without Bariatrics but it sholdn't matter the method, I have the same concerns. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.    — clitha M. (posted on November 9, 2001)

November 9, 2001
I read your profile and was very impressed with your weight loss....Congradulation.... and you are right, this site is for everyone who is struggling with losing weight, although you didn't have surgery, I pretty sure that you had to cut back on you food intake, take your protein and vitamin just like the rest of us. As far as Medicaid approving surgery for removal of skin, If I'm not mistaking, as long as it's medically necessary, then Medicaid will cover it. Your surgeon will know exactly what to tell them in his report. My bypass surgery was approved automatically by Medicaid and I'm pretty sure, if I need to have skin removal, they will approve it as long as it's medically neccessary. God bless you and good luck. By the way...How did you do it?
   — [Anonymous]

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