Medications and stomach pain

This may sound stupid, but how can you tell if you have something stuck or if it is just cramping from what med's you have just taken?    — Cindy K. (posted on September 25, 2001)

September 25, 2001
Cindy, the only thing I can tell you is this: if you get something truly stuck you will know it because you will be utterly miserable until you either have to get it pulled out or it manages to dissolve through on its own. You will not be able to even hold down spit and will vomit white foamy stuff. It's truly horrible! Hope this helps.
   — Kellye C.

September 25, 2001
Thanks Kellye, that does help alot! Since I can eat and drink (and keep it down! ) my pain must be from the cramps from the meds. Thanks!
   — Cindy K.

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