Is this reflux?.....Is this obesity related?

Since I've had a complete hysterectomy I am certain I'm NOT pregnant. I am pre-op and have apprx 120 lbs to lose. I have started to gag mostly in the morning, sometimes during the day. I do this a few times a day. Would this be reflux?    — Katie M. (posted on September 5, 2001)

September 5, 2001
No, that's not reflux. Reflux is when the stomach acids back up into your throat and burn. Its like heart burn but a little bit comes up the throat.
   — Cindy H.

September 5, 2001
I have reflux and often have hiccups, burning and even pain in my chest. Go to your doctor to get treated for it so that it will be in your medical documentation since it is considered a co-morbidity. Reflux can sometimes even feel like you are having chest pains, like a heart attack, so make sure your doctor gets you on Prilosec or Prevacid if he feels you have acid reflux. Either way, get checked to make sure.
   — Diana M.

September 5, 2001
Gagging is something entirely different I'd think. I gag here and there.. ever since my pregnancy.. and yeah I suppose it has gotten a bit worse since my hysterectomy. I find I gag with all kinds of things.. sometimes cigarettes, smells, brushing my teeth etc.. dont know what causes.. never have tried seeking medical help either.. just figured I was too sensitive that way.
   — Dawn R.

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