
I am burping constantly and very uncomfortable, 30 dys post op. Any suggestions?    — taryncarrol (posted on September 3, 2001)

September 3, 2001
After my surgery I swore I could belch the national anthem on a glass of water. I am now at 4 1/2 months and I only belch a few times a day. It does get better.
   — susan V.

September 3, 2001
Are you by any chance using a sports bottle to drink from? Sipping through one of those bottles can increase the amount of air you take in when you drink. My postop information was to drink only from something open if you are having trouble burping.
   — Jilda H.

September 4, 2001
At 13 months post-op, the burping is still a mystery. My surgeon thought it was the amount of air we took in with our little sips...or sports bottles. Although that sounds reasonable, I don't think that's the cause. I still burp after eating, although not nearly as much as I did at first. If I am having a bad day (yesterday was a bad day...nothing agreed with me and my tummy felt sour the entire day. Soda crackers in the evening seemed to help.) I burp alot more. It seems to me that there is still alot that our doctors don't really know about wls. We are all learning together. I've gotten used to my burping...and have learned to burp very quietly when out in public.
   — Anne G.

September 4, 2001
I am 3 months post-op and I burp alot too. I am sure that it is not from using water bottles. I started burping in the hospital when they gave me the liquid demarol after taking me off the IV morphine. I couldn't stop for close to 45 minutes. Neither the nursing staff or I realized that none of the pain med had gotten into my system because of all the burping. Boy, was the pain intense before they got me back on the IV! Since then I burp at least a few times every day, depending on what I eat. I don't kow why. This is the only problem I have had with food since the surgery and it doesn't bother me too much.
   — Kathy M.

September 8, 2001
I had my VBG 12/98. I burp only a few times during the day, mostly when eating but now I burp all during the night. I take two GasX before going to bed and still have to take Tums during the night. I have a Dr's appt. next week.
   — Pat B.

September 13, 2001
After the burping started keeping me awake at night, my dr. gave me Prevacid and now I can sleep all night. You might check with your dr.
   — Pat B.

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