Why is plastic surgery called plastic???

I know this question sounds silly or insignificant, but I just can't help wondering. What does plastic have to do with flesh/skin?    — lalasmommy (posted on August 18, 2001)

August 18, 2001
It's called "plastic" because flesh is moldable. Modeling clay, for instance, used to be called "plasticene." Since the surgery is quite literally molding or remodeling the body, it's called "plastic surgery." It's also called "cosmetic surgery" in some circles, "aesthetic surgery" in others. I say call it anything you want to. For myself, I call it a necessity! (LOL)
   — Marjorie B.

August 18, 2001
And, when it comes to us morbidly obese people, we are not rock stars seeking PLASTIC OR COSMETIC surgery because we are unhappy with our noses or boobies. We are people disfigured by a disease and seeking RECONSTRUCTIVE surgery, much like people with burns. Stating it as such helps the insurance people to understand why we are seeking such surgery. I personally am not looking forward to having pictures taken as proof of need, but if I have to I will. I suffer from back pain, umbilical hernia and skin fold maceration because of my ruffle of abdominal/hip skin. Next year at this time, it is going to be GONE! (Besides the funny slapping sounds I make when I walk wet and naked are beginning to annoy the dog...)
   — merri B.

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