Does anyone know - Is there any correlation between body type and infertility?

I have read many of the lady member profiles and posts, etc. where you mention getting pregnant (while being obese; pre-surgery). It's kind of confusing to me because I thought women became infertile as a result of obesity. But yet I read alot of you lucky ducks had babies. I even know of a woman from church who is very obese and she seemed to have no problem having babies (I never met or spoke with her; I was too much burning with envy). Now this woman is apple shape; I'm wondering if there's some correlation between fertility and apple and pear shapes? I'm pear shape and I couldn't get pregnant even though DH & I went thru the works (fertility drugs, artificial insemination). You ladies out there who had no fertility problems, how many of you are pear shape like me? Maybe pear-shapes have fat packed around the uterus & stuff that causes fertility problems? Now, if you happen to go & look at my profile, yes - you'll see that I'm a new post-op; I shouldn't be thinking of getting pregnant right now. I'M NOT! It's just that DH & I just celebrated our 12th anniversary & I'm kind of depressed that I couldn't have kids like I so desperatly wanted. Also, Aug. 18th coming up is a tough day for me because that's the anniversary of the due date of the baby I lost 5 years ago (got preg. on fertility drugs; was an earlier in our marriage attempt to get preg.; after miscarriage we gave up; the more recent attempt was 2 yrs ago & totally failed). I guess I'm just looking for a reason WHY God didn't want to bless us with a child. Probably because I'm worthless. But my scientific mind is curious to know about the connection to body type & fertility. Anyone have a clue? Btw, I also have PCOS (which is usually apple shape, I know). Thanks.    — lalasmommy (posted on August 10, 2001)

August 10, 2001
I had problems getting pg with my first daughter. i had surgery for endo. and took four cycles of Clomid and on my fourth cycle I got pg. Most of my weight is in my butt and stomach. Right after I had my daughter I got pg again when she was 3 months old. But I had been trying for 2 years before i got pg. I was told that endo and PCOS has alot to do with infertility in larger women. I ended up 309lbs when I had my daughter so i wasn't small at all. I am smaller than that now, but it made it alot harder to handle. Good Luck...
   — Donna J.

August 10, 2001
I'm as pear as can be and got pregnant with my second son weighing 300 lbs. In fact my husband had a vasectomy because both my sons were birth control babies, they were 22 months apart (of course I wanted them once I was pregnant!). We were just super fertile I guess. But I have heard it's hard for obese women to get pregnant, I just know it wasn't for me. Best of luck!
   — Becky K.

August 10, 2001
I hear what you are saying, but you have to realize that YOUR fertility issues are just a result of YOU being obese & YOU not ovulating because of PCOS. You also must consider that YOUR obesity is caused by PCOS, and not like some others obesity is caused by other factors. Other women, while they may be obese, may have no PCOS, therefore they may easily concieve. We are the odd step-child. You really cannot compare us to the "norm". Other obese women may also have infertilty issues- but no PCOS!!! In a nutshell, obesity & infertility do not always equal PCOS. PCOS does not always equal obesity & infertility either! That is why it is a syndrome, not everyone has the same symptoms. Yes, it is all so confusing! While most of us PCOS people are apple vs. pear, I really doubt that shape of your body would affect whether or not you can get pregnant. Plain and simple, it's the PCOS that is not allowing you to ovulate. If you don't ovulate then there is no chance at concieving. I would highly reccomend you purchase a book called PCOS- The Hidden Epidemic by Samuel Thatcher, MD. PS- I am a appple shaped. I carry my girth right in my gut, right on top of my uterus. I have no hips or butt. It makes ultrasounds very difficult, and pap smears worse. So your theory of pear's packing it worse- I think not ! :) or at worst, we are BOTH packing it awkwardly! I dread (joking) the day I must bear a child, I have NO ROOM at the inn. I don't know how that kid IS GONNA come out!!!!!
   — Karen R.

August 10, 2001
PS- No one is worthless, especially not in God's eyes. You have a plain and simple medical (and highly treatable) condition that- if you were going to the right doctors- you could probably concieve. The weight loss is going to increase your chances as well. If I read correctly, back in another PCOS post, you said that your Doctor put you on birth control pills to regulate your periods. This is not the greatest treatment of PCOS. It's fine while post op, helping shed your uterine lining and avoiding pregnancy. But it doesn't "fix" your PCOS- if that is what you want, you need to start educating yourself, and your Gyn and above all look into seeing a Endocrinologist.
   — Karen R.

August 10, 2001
It's not your weight or body shape that caused your infertility. Most women with PCOS have infertility problems. There have been lots of women that have been able to have children once the PCOS is under control, and losing weight will help you do that. So there is hope.
   — Sheila B.

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