Are colds and flu worse after WLS?

I have an awful summer cold right now and all the gunk is pretty nauseating pre-op. What happens when you catch a bug a few weeks or months out of surgery?    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 3, 2001)

August 3, 2001
I had Surgery Feb 1,2001. My family went through a bad flue spell twice now and of course since I am the mom I get to clean it all up. Thow-up on the carpet on the sheet. Bad diapers and high fevers. I never got sick. there are 6 people in my family and all got sick but me. I think it is all the protein and vitamins I have been taking. So far having this surgery has been a blessing.
   — Holly D.

August 3, 2001
Before surgery I suffered from chronic tonsillitis. I would get it really bad--2 or 3x/yr and it would put me in bed for 2 weeks at a time. I rarely got colds & flu. I had surgery almost 2 years ago and have not had the slightest sniffle since. It could be because I now have a balanced diet and take my vitamins regularly... Good luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 3, 2001
I have not had a cold since before my surgery last may , and ride a bus to and from work everyday ,so people are always coughing and sneezing all over each other!! I too think it is the protein and vitamins and the good diet sans sugar.I also never touch my face or rub my eyes with my fingers or hands.
   — Rose A.

August 4, 2001
I am 19 months post op and haven't had a cold, sniffle, flu, ANYTHING since surgery. The week after I came home, kids got the stomach flu- I cleaned up after them, didn't get it. Last week, our family experienced a 2 day car ride home from Florida (I am in northern Illinois) with 3 out of 4 people sick with summer colds and I never got a sniffle- even after lack of sleep because hubby was hacking all night:) I think it is the suppliments- one of mine is zinc every morning, which is supposed to be good for immune systems. Who knows? Just another added benefit of WLS I guess:)
   — M B.

August 4, 2001
The biggest problem I had was when I went back to work after surgery. I was out for 8 weeks and was not around a large group of people for that amount of time. I also work at a call center with a large group of people and we seem to pick up more cold bugs. I guess it comes from working around computers and phones. The ugly little cold buggers like to hide on key board and phone key pads.
   — Jan M.

August 6, 2001
I haven't had the flu since my surgery three years ago. I have had some colds; but, I think the resp symptoms have been milder. Probably because I've lost 120lbs. and my lungs aren't being overworked.
   — [Anonymous]

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