Can someone please explain to me how the insurance process goes for plastic surgery

I really need help to start planning how to go about getting plastic surgery approved by my Cigna health insurance. They approved surgery with no problems now I am just wondering about my tummy tuck and I will need breast reconstruction. Please HELP!!! You can even email me privately.    — llcornwell (posted on June 27, 2001)

June 27, 2001
Insurances will only pay for those surgeries if there is a medical necessity. If you are getting rashes and/or infections under your abdomen or have nerve pain from the weight of it they will more than likely cover it. As far as breast reduction they only pay for if you have documented back problems from them. Basically all you need to do is have your doctor send in an authorization form to them. good luck
   — paula B.

June 27, 2001
Good luck, hon. I had no problem with approval for my RNY. Plastic surgery is a different story. Here's the info you'll need:<br><br> Abdominoplasty is considered reconstructive when performed to correct or relieve structural defects of the abdominal wall (ICD-9: 701.8/708.9) and/or chronic low back pain (ICD-9:724.1) due to functional incompetence of the anterior abdominal wall. These conditions may be caused by: 1. Permanent overstretching of the anterior abdominal wall following one or more pregnancies; (ICD-9: 701.8.701.9). 2. Permanent overstretching (with or without diastasis recti (ICD-9: 928.84) of the anterior abdominal wall with a large or long abdominal panniculus (ICD-9: 278.1) following weight loss in the treatment of morbid obesity and resulting in the uncontrollable intertrigo (crease dermatitis, ICD-9: 692.9) and/or difficult ambulation (ICD-9 724.8). 3. Trauma or surgery to the anterior wall of the abdomen resulting in loss of muscle of fascial integrity or pain from scar contracture (ICD-9: 709.2). 4. Abdominal hernia following previous abdominal surgery (ICD-9: 553.201, 553.21).
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 27, 2001
On my abdominoplasty webpage there is a link there to my letter to my insurance carrier with my appeal that won my reconstructive surgeries.. If you have any questions please feel free to write..
   — Victoria B.

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