can a person with hepititus-C have weight loss surgery?

does anyone know of someone with hepititus-C who had the surgery? does anyone know of a surgeon who has done this operation on someone with this health issue........please help me if you e-mail is:[email protected]    — rvf263 (posted on June 19, 2001)

June 26, 2001
I have HepC, and it made no difference to my surgeon or my insurance carrier. I have not yet had my surgery, although I do have approval. Losing weight means a healthier liver! Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

July 28, 2001
I also have HCV and am in stage 3 liver disease. I was also worried about this and attended several of the chats here on this site and all surgens said absolutely NO PROBLEM, so I proceeded and found me a highly recommended surgen in my area and now.. jsut waiting for approval from my insurance co which I was told wont take long due to my circumstances. GL
   — Tina B.

May 31, 2002
Could you please tell me your surgeons name and phone number please? I cannot find a surgeon in Michigan who will do WLS with hep-C. Thank you
   — rvf263

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