I am told I can't take my Celebrex after surgery. What can I take?

I have osteoarthritis and Celebrex works wonderfully. But my surgeon says I must go off of it before my surgery and can't take it or any other NSAIDS again. What can I do for my arthritis pain when Tylonol EX doesn't get it? HELP!    — Barbara Mark (posted on June 15, 2001)

June 15, 2001
I was told no Advil. I have bursitis in my knee and after my surgery my primary care physician gave me samples of Celebrex and Vioxx. He said they both should be alright to take. He did say to try the Vioxx first.
   — Helen C.

June 15, 2001
My Dr is letting me take Celebrex because, it so much easier on the stomach and I have not had any problems and I am 14 mos post op.. I love my Celebrex, don't know what I would take if I couldn't take it? Also, I know others taking Celebrex and they are all doing great also.. Good Luck.. Debbie
   — Debbie R.

June 15, 2001
Barbara--I feel your pain----literally! :-) I was taking Relafen for osteoarthritis. I have had to discontinue taking it 2 weeks prior to surgery. (My surgery date is 6/27.) My pain was so bad at one time that I literally could not walk--Relafen is what finally controlled the pain. Right now I am taking Tylenol Arthritis (2 caplets 3 times a day) and it is controlling it okay--the pain is definitely there and I take every chance I get to stay off my feet. My surgeon will NOT allow ANY NSAIDS after surgery, due to the chance of stomach problems. Although some of the newer ones have less potential for complications, my surgeon feels that it is still too great of a risk with our new tummy! I, like you, am hoping the weight loss will help too. Water aerobics will help for exercise and mobility. Good luck!!!!!
   — Sharon N.

June 15, 2001
My surgeon prescribes Arthrotec for his patients who need ongoing anti-inflammatory therapy. Arthrotec is a combination of Voltaren (an anti-inflammatory) and Cytotec (a medication that protects the lining of the stomach). It has worked wonderfully for me with absolutely no side-effects. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

June 15, 2001
I know lots of people have responded, but I thought I would add my 2 cents. My doctor told me the ONLY choices I will have POST OP for arthritis medications is one of the following 3, VIOXX, CELEBRX, or ARTHROTEC. Since I have been investigating this surgery for almost 2 years now, he has tried me on all 3. The Arthotec for me is the best, but I know for my husband (he is not post op but has severe GERD and has had a bleeding ulcer) he likes VIOXX. There will be something for you to take that will help. Best wishes. Helen C
   — Helen C.

June 18, 2001
My post op perscription from my surgeon was Celebrex for postop pain management. Taken with food it served wonderfully
   — corpdiva2006

June 19, 2001
Surgeon informed me that I can't resume celebrex until 3 months after surgery. Has given me pain pills interim, which aren't near as good as the celebrex!
   — Jeanne P.

October 30, 2001
Hello Barbara! I just started taking Celebrex this week (prescribed by my PCP who knows next to nothing about my RNY). She told me to give it two weeks to see if it would help my lower left pelvic/back pain. I could tell after the first day that it was working. And now after a week I can say I feel WONDERFUL. I have not called my RNY surgeon to okay this prescription but I have been told by others that it is okay to take Celebrex, so I'm sure it just depends who you talk to. I too worry about damaging my new stomach but this truly wonderful drug has almost completely masked the pain that I have suffered from for the past three years (that I had hoped would go away as the weight came off, but the pain hasn't let up at all even after losing 124#s). I will check with my surgeon from BTC and get back with you on his opinion -- but as I said, not all WLS surgeons give the same advice.
   — Brenda H.

December 24, 2001
Hi Barbara, I too was taken off my arthritic medicine before my Roux-Y bypass and took Tylenol Extra Strength. My surgeon told me post-operately that I take Celebrex at my own risk.I am currently off the Celebrex and trying Glusatomine Chondroitin along with a Herb. I still hurt....all over.. including hands, feet, fingers, neck, back, legs, arms wrists. The pain is constant and increases with movement.. making exercising difficult.But if it does not get better , I will be forced to go back on the Celebrex! Hope this helps you!
   — Susan H.

May 22, 2002
Hi, I just got permission from my internal medicine primary care provider that Celebrex was OK, but in order to take it I need to open the capsules. I have to say the powder is bland enough to get by with mixing it with liquids (I'm 5 weeks postop.), which is much better than anything else I've tried crushing, chewing or even the adult/child Tylenol elixir--YUCK, too sour. Only baby aspirin chewable was even tolerable, but of course I go through two bottles a week!!! I, too, hope there will be a day when pain ends, but at 50, with osteoarthritis well established, I doubt that will come, but I hope to at least get SOME relief on my lower joints. Anyway, will post again when I've been on the Celebrex for a bit, to let everyone know how it works!!! Best wishes and congrats to all you loser-winners out there!!! Deb
   — Deb J.

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