Are you ever able to go out and Party again?

I like to go out sometimes and really have a good time drinking and dancing. Will that be gone forever?    — Jolie M. (posted on May 19, 2001)

May 19, 2001
YES YOU CAN! The key is moderation. Alcohol affects us much more intensly than non WLS ppl. You can either get really affected (drunk?) from a single drink, as per the norm, or be like me and not be able to get drunk at all. I recently spent a week on Bourbon Street and drank, never once even getting a buzz. I am not advocating this behavior, but yes, I do drink. I do it carefully, and a little at a time to be sure its not coming back to haunt me, if you know what I mean
   — [Anonymous]

May 19, 2001
I love to go out drinking and dancing occasionally also, and yes, is is Okay. I think in the beginning you should take it very slow, because you will not know how your body will react, and keep in mind the sugar involved. As long as everything is done in moderation, it should be okay. Go out and have a good time!!
   — [Anonymous]

May 19, 2001
Once again, a question near and dear to my heart. I miss my cocktails and find I can finish 1/2 of a drink (like margarita or bloody mary) but do not get a buzz like before (I think because I sip so slowly). Anyway, I miss it but not so much as to cause myself a problem.
   — Nancy Z.

May 20, 2001
It's very important to understand that this surgery only restricts you from going to plus size stores, being embarassed by your physical appearance, becoming winded by walking down the block and a flight of stairs... It will not restrict how much exercising you do, how much partying you take part in and how much fun you have. I drink occasionally in moderation which is a good thing because its a lot less expensive. Have FUN!
   — Jeannet

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