Fatigue/Dizziness/Underweight/Stomach Pain-DR's clueless!!!

I am 13 months post op. I had the open rny. I am always exhausted regardless of the amount of sleep I get. I stand up and I get very dizzy and lightheaded. My blood pressure has dropped the last check was 92/43. I am now considered under weight. I constantly have stomach pain. I have had to start eating 3 meals a day, 2 snacks per day and all high calories fluids 80+ oz per day just to stop the weight loss. All my bloodwork comes back fine, I have had a endoscopy done, a colonoscopy done and a upper GI done and all came back okay. I can still only eat around 5 oz per meal and sometimes I still vomit after only eating that amount. I make sure that I don't drink for 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after I eat. I take all of my vitamins. My hair I would say that atleast 30% has fell out and it has not grown back. ANY suggestions PLEASE let me know ([email protected]) because the DR's have pretty much given up trying to figure out what the problem is and I am desperate!!! THANK YOU!!!    — Rebecca B. (posted on April 5, 2001)

April 5, 2001
You don't mention any different meds they have tried you on. Or if you have diarrhea. I still have pain in my stomach most every time I eat. I don't have that FULL feeling. I never did. That's why I was obese. But my surgeon says the pain means the surgery is a success. Sometimes I have to go back on liquids for a day or two to let my pouch rest. Then I'll work up to eating other foods like a new post-op. It has helped alot. Ideally, I try to eat 6 or 7 snacks a day. But, I now call them meals!! I don't want to loose any more weight. Good Luck, and let me know --
   — CohenHeart

April 6, 2001
I am so sorry you are having so many problems. Unfortunately I am still pre-op so I can give you no words of advice. I was wondering if your doctor had considered reversing the RNY? Perhaps they can get our weight loss and physical maladies under control. If you can't get your doctor to help you, maybe you should go to another doctor. I have found that when one doctor has no answers, then it is time to get a new one. Perhaps you could email a more experienced bariatric surgeon who could give you some advice on what you might need to do to help yourself. Being thin isn't worth getting so sick over, so I hope they find what is wrong and are able to fix it so you can enjoy your new life.
   — Diana M.

September 18, 2004
My husband is 11 mos. post-op. I was searching this board for some clue to how to help him. The symptoms you describe are almost identical to his. He does not vomit but never did. He is on tincture of opium just to keep his diarrhea down enough so he can get out of the house once in a while. He is terribly depressed because he cannot work and is having to file for disability because he can't manage the dizziness or stomach pain. His Dr. hasn't tried ANY tests and keeps telling him to come back in 2-3 months. He continues to lose lose and is SEVERELY underweight now. If you know anything new, please let us know. Thanks
   — Rhandi C.

July 28, 2005
I stayed very tired after surgery and just could not get my strength back. LOttsss abd pain; My doctor sent me to a hemotologist and i dont absore iron, I have recieved to iron transfusion and engery level better. I also have bleeding gastric ulcers been scoped 4 time to stop the bleedin, now revisions is adviced just now checking into that
   — Karen J.

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