What are your remedies for pms?

Pre surgery, I had my periods maybe twice a year. Now since I've lost over 100 lbs, they have returned full force and with a vengance. I am actually miserable for 3 weeks out of every month-2weeks before and the week of my period. I'm not sure if it is so much pms as just feeling on edge, malase and discomfort from my lower back to my knees. I feel like I did when I was in my teens. I do not want to go through this for the next 10 to 15 years. Is there anything that works for you or do I have to keep on suffering like so many other women out there.    — Jan M. (posted on March 27, 2001)

March 27, 2001
i had terrible pain and terrible mood when i was in my pms... one day i was totaly tired of al this and i decided to go to my PCP and she prescribe me the pills witch helps me a lot and now i am totaly free from this pain since i am in depo provera... 1 injection every 3 month... total happyness :) good luck
   — carou1313

March 27, 2001
My remedies for PMS? Chocolate and an AK-47. But seriously, folks...get thee to an OB-GYN if you prefer the hormonal solutions like being on the Birth Control pill...I used it to even out heavy periods. Of course, there is also the B-6 and wild yam concoction that my holistic practitioner recommends and, my personal favorite: 4 Motrin, a dose of chicken livers to build the iron back up and regular orgasms to help with the uterine contractions. Good Luck!
   — merri B.

March 27, 2001
I am with Merri! Chocolate and an ak-47 (sex too:) Actually, I am in the same boat as you- never had a regular period in my life til after I lost weight. My solutions are Tylenol for cramps, exercise for moods, and good movies for excuse to cry. My symptoms aren't that bad though, so I say check out your Dr. Good Luck!
   — M B.

March 27, 2001
Hi, I also felt miserable 3 weeks out of the month with terrible mood swings, back aches, constant exhaustion, headaches, and instances of abdominal cramping. My gyn prescribed Modicon, low dose birth control pills and they really do help. It's great to know exactly when your period will be arriving, almost to the minute and also having the gift of all those days per month of feeling normal again. Hugs, Joy.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 27, 2001
Oh My gosh!!!! I feel the same way! I have been taking a B6 tablet every day for the past month and have had no blues yet and my period is due next week! This period thing is new to me too and I don't want to take the pill until I have to! Someon told me that Tums comes in a pms tablet now too_ but try the b6!
   — Lisa L.

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