Hate to ask, but when you vomit...

Sorry, but I have to know.... when you vomit post-op, is the same kind of violent wretching that we do Pre-op? I've heard that it's much less 'violent', and that the acids aren't present when you throw up post-op, so it's not that bad to vomit. I'd also like to know if vomiting to excess can damage our new pouch. Thanks for your help!    — Laurie L. (posted on March 26, 2001)

March 26, 2001
Actually vomiting is nice...not at all like before. Mine was quick, clean and no after taste. I was punished for not chewing and survived to try to learn how to chew again!!! LOL... (Afterall,it was my fault)
   — Nancy Z.

March 26, 2001
Hi Laurie. I am almost 1 year post op and it's been MONTHS since I vomited, but when I did it was just like the last lady said "fast and no after taste". I knew the minute I was going to be sick. Most of the time it was because I had not chewed my food well enough or had eaten too fast. Take time to saver the moment or else!!
   — Cindy L.

March 26, 2001
I am 11 wks. post-op today. I thought I'd get dinner at the local cafeteria and get fish. Wrong move, the moment I started eating it, I could feel "that" feeling in my throat, but I continued eating. Having that feeling is awful, so my finger went down my throat for relief. It is quick and not very much comes up. This is only the 3rd time I've thrown up, but the first time I was heeving (sp?) and it drained me. The first two times was my fault: waited too long between meals; starving; gobbled food and did not chew. So, remember to chew, chew, chew!!!
   — Betty Todd

March 26, 2001
I haven't vomited since I was 3 months out from surgery. All my vomiting occurred when I went back to normal foods and I ate too fast and didn't chew well enough. When I did vomit it was very quick with almost no heaving and of course none of the acidic burning and taste. Usually it was the troublesome bite and mucus. Chew well. Eat slowly. Don't overeat. You shouldn't have any vomiting problems.
   — Nanette T.

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