Tx rehab comission

I had met all criteria for help through Tx rehab comission for WLS and had to get a psych eval. Upon recieving the results I was denied help based on a diagnosis of depression and the Pshycologists recommendations were for me not to have surgery. TRC said they couldnt help me anymore. I asked about a second opinion and they still refused. What do I do now?    — shannon P. (posted on March 25, 2001)

March 25, 2001
Most of us are depressed because we're overweight and that's one reason to HAVE the surgery. I'd keep going until you find someone that will help you. Don't give up!!! Good luck
   — Betty Todd

May 2, 2001
Check out this website They may be able to help you. Good luck!
   — Annabell R.

July 24, 2001
I would contact a private therapist, and get a second opinion, you may have to pay for this on your own. I found out after my Psy eval that because I am being treated by a Psyciatrist for my depression that she could have signed off on eval. Either way, if you do indeed need any treatment, making contact and getting things under control and then getting them to sign off may work for you!
   — Robin P.

August 31, 2001
I just went through 2 psych evals with TRC, once with my private psychiatrist and 2nd with the TRC psychiatrist. Both times I was recommended for surgery. I think it helped that I have a wonderful counselor at TRC and he's been very helpful to me by finding doctors who are very approving of this surgery. Also, I explained to both doctors that I felt most of my depression stemmed from being so overweight and dealing with the physical problems that go along with it. What you need to do is find a patient advocate and file an appeal. I know of a site you can go to for free help. Email me at [email protected] and I'll send you the URL.
   — Michelle R.

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