Have any post-ops regressed to their pre-op diet habits?

I REALLY hope someone out there can help me turn my problem around. I had WLS(RNY)on July 5th 2000. I was 373lbs and as of Feb 5th 2001 I am 253lbs. I actually reached this weight by Dec 27th 2000, and I've stuck there since, I'm 5ft 4ins by the way. I have to say that I was unfortunate enough to be very sick for the first 6-8 weeks after coming home to Ireland(I had it done in the UK)but when I recovered, oh boy did I mollycoddle myself! I ate anything and everything, it was a huge novelty to me because for the first time in my 40 years I was eating all these previously forbidden(therefore binged on)foods and the weight was flying off me. I even kidded myself that the surgery had done it all for me, no effort was required on my part. Now, 7 months on, my head has settled back into my old way of treating food, I treat myself with it, I punish myself with it, you name it I'll eat for it. Now, luckily I can't do the volume that I once did so I'm not gaining the weight, but I'm only halfway there with the weight loss and I seem to have lost control. Everyday I torture myself with the constant searching through diet books to see which one will magically set me on the right path again(not that I was on that path very often).This pattern is exactly what sent me to have surgery in the first place, and here I am again. I know I've used this surgery the wrong way and I've not learnt anything yet. I just wondered did anyone else out there make this mistake and if so what gradual or instant changes did you make to rectify the situation. I know there are some who may think that this is not a very inspiring question to pose here, what with pre-ops and newly post-ops reading everyones tips and advice for encouragement, but I feel that my tale here might also act as encouragement for people NOT to do as I have done so far and to listen and listen well to their doctors and dieticians. Sorry this has been so longwinded! Hope to hear from someone. Best wishes to all. Helen [email protected]    — Helen B. (posted on February 9, 2001)

February 9, 2001
Don't be so hard on yourself! You can always start new tomorrow. I'm only 3 1/2 months post op, and there are days that I scare myself by what I eat. 2x last week I had popcorn with butter on it. Boy did I beat myself up...then I realized that it was only 1/6 of what I used to eat. I guess we all have those days. I think it's just important to try to steer yourself back on track. You know what instructions you've been given my your dr (If your dr didn't give you much, maybe you can find a nutritionist in your area.) Start again tomorrow, quit beating yourself up for the past, and move forward. Good Luck!!
   — tlg6056

February 9, 2001
Dear Helen, I am only a pre-op, but I have been studying this for quite a while with the same fears that your letter shares. First, congrats on the weight you have already been delivered of, that was a great loss. Now, as I understand, and I'm no expert, you must go back to your nutritionist (or find a new one) and reevaluate your diet. Increase your water, 60 g. of protein daily (or as advised by dietician), no sugar, no milk. Take your vites, calcium, and others as directed. It will be tough to change again, but, you've had such success you should be able to get your "fat burner" going again with effort. Good luck to you!
   — Elaine P.

February 9, 2001
Helen, there are times that I go back to the old way of eating, particularly when I'm dealing with my ex-husband. I find that the more you eat the bad things, the more you want them. So, after about a week of sneaking 3 or 4 minature chocolates a day, I get back on the program, go through withdrawals for a day or two, and then it loses its hold on me. Also, and I can't stress this enough: KEEP THE BAD STUFF OUT OF THE HOUSE! If your family likes goodies, allow them only the stuff you don't care for. For instance, my daughters love Taco Bell - I don't. If they want junk food, that's where I go. I haven't had a Big Mac since before surgery, and I want to keep it that way since I'm sure I could eat a whole one. I buy them ice cream and fruit snacks and chewy chocolate chip cookies in the bag - all goodies I don't care for. Drink 20 oz. of water before you give in to temptation, and then exercise for a half an hour. Eat your protien first - fill yourself up on healthy stuff. If you can tolerate sugar, eat sweet pickles instead of candy, etc. Trust me, this is coming from someone who can eat ANYTHING, and more than 1/2 cup. I've had to get back on the program several times since July, and I lost 10 pounds last best since I was immediately post-op. And finally, I know that I do FEEL better when I eat right...even though I don't dump, I have more energy when I follow the plan. Bless you for posing such an honest question! Good luck to you!
   — Allie B.

February 9, 2001
Hi Helen, I have found myself in your shoes many times. I had a VBG in 9/97 which was revised to an RNY in 5/00 due to loss of the ring combined with horrible eating habits which resulted in we regaining weight. Like you, with the VBG the weight just flew off of me despite what I ate and within 6 months I was down 83lbs and then nothing! I regained some and never ever got that low again. Because I didn't learn new eating habits I continued to eat junk and maintained for about a year and then the weight started slowly creeping back up. I'd diet for a little while, give up and regain anything I had managed to lose. When I had my RNY I was back up to 225lbs and regularly eating a bag of cookies at a time. With my RNY I've done better but already I've had a slip-up that scared me. About a month ago I had slowly increased my sugar consumption and diminished the dumping syndrome and realized I was scarfing down two candy bars a day plus any other sweet I could find. My weight went from 167 to 176 and I freaked out! I am determined I will not fail at this and this is something that is entirely within my control! Four and a half weeks ago I began low-carbing (again!) and have not had sugar since. I'm currently at 160 and have 10 more lbs to go. Like Allie, I buy treats for my family that I have no interest in and if I do have a sweet tooth I fix something "legal" on my plan. Most times after a bite or two I'm no longer interested in it. My raving sugar cravings are gone but I don't kid myself. I know that if I let myself lapse I could easily become a sugar fiend again. Having said all of this, my suggestion to you is that you try a low-carb way of eating to see if that won't get you back on track. There are many websites that can help you out with what to do and recipes. It doesn't have to be a boring way of eating and once you get past the sugar/carb withdrawals (about 3 days) your hunger diminishes. Also, many of the WLS doctors advocate low-carb in a manner of speaking when they tell you to eat protein first, then veggies, then carbs if you have any room left. I hope this helps and if you'd like to e-mail me personally please feel free to. Good luck! You can do it! Kellye
   — Kellye C.

February 10, 2001
Helen, I am 62 yrs old and had my VBG 12/98. Initially, I lost 50 lbs. (from 221), ate right and walked. Then I developed foot problems and quit walking, then I went back to work...and to the candy machines. I bought orthotics for my feet but now have back problems. I plan to start walking again (have retired from work) as soon as I get the injections to improve my back. Once I started back on candy, I have been out of control. I still eat small amounts of food (mostly regular food and left overs) but binge on candy. I have regained 17 lbs. which could be lost again but I also regained all the inches I lost from not walking. It gives me hope to know someone else out there has a problem with sugar. Maybe we can all give each other the strength. Thank you.
   — Pat B.

February 10, 2001
Helen, I am 62 yrs old and had my VBG 12/98. Initially, I lost 50 lbs. (from 221), ate right and walked. Then I developed foot problems and quit walking, then I went back to work...and to the candy machines. I bought orthotics for my feet but now have back problems. I plan to start walking again (have retired from work) as soon as I get the injections to improve my back. Once I started back on candy, I have been out of control. I still eat small amounts of food (mostly regular food and left overs) but binge on candy. I have regained 17 lbs. which could be lost again but I also regained all the inches I lost from not walking. It gives me hope to know someone else out there has a problem with sugar. Maybe we can all give each other the strength. Thank you.
   — Pat B.

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