Any ideas for travel food?

Hi everyone. I've been getting some great information from you all and now I need some more. I'm 6 wks post-op and going back to work. I need tips on what foods to prepare & take with me. I drive a semi tractor/trailer rig and am gone 4-5 days & nights per week. There is little time to stop for eats so I must eat mostly out of my on board mini refrigerator. I used to take chicken breast and pork chops b4 surgery. Now I understand they can be difficult the first few months post-op. I desperately need ideas. Please help me. Gary    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on December 12, 2000)

December 12, 2000's some suggestions based on the eating plan my surgeon suggests for 4th through 8th week post op. <p><ul><li>Thinly sliced lean ham <li>Boiled boneless, skinless chicken breast that is blended or finely chopped in a food processor and moistened with some chicken broth <li>Melba toast or Wheat Thins with sliced cheese <li>Mashed or blended beans (Taco Bell beans are great)</ul> <p>Of course, remember to eat slowly and chew well. Good luck to you as you get back on the road!
   — Roseann M.

December 12, 2000
* String Cheese...about 5 g of fat and 8 oz protein in each piece * Hard Boiled Eggs...about 5 g fat, 6 g protein * Lean Ham or Turkey Slices * Crackers * Pretzles * Low fat cottage cheese....quite high in protein. Good Luck!
   — tlg6056

December 12, 2000
Gary, I travel alot for soccer games and tournaments. I bring my protein drinks with me and soups that you add water to and microwave (bean is my fav). Also, pretzels, cheese (and cheese and breadstick snacks), cottage cheese, & lunch meat (fresh from the deli is better). I usually have 1-2 protein drinks to make sure I get it in, then eat the rest as small meals. Don't forget your water!!!
   — M B.

December 12, 2000
Hi Gary... You've received some great suggestions. I would like to add the MetRx Protein Plus bars. I cut them in 3rd's and by the end of the day I have an additional 34g's of protein. Very low carb, low sugar. And water, water, water!!! Good luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 12, 2000
Hi Gary ...I was nervous about going back to work and leaving my kitchen, but it all worked out okay. I brought a piece of VERY thinly sliced bread with me and made a cheese sandwich with mustard. Kraft has a tasty fat free American cheese. Also, very thinly sliced deli turkey, but that doesn't keep too long in the fridge. Starkist makes great tuna "Charlie's Lunch Kits" which come with a small can of tuna, low fat mayo and a few crackers, along with a mixing cup and spoon. I also like those instant soups and added some canned chicken to boost the protein. Delmonte makes small cans of "no sugar added" fruit and applesauce. I wasn't big on fruit, but I enjoyed it when I had one. I had some other stuff on hand, like my Ultra Pure Protein ... comes premixed in cans, 170 calories, no added sugar, low in fat and 35 grams of protein. I also had bottles and bottles of water on hand ... made me feel secure! Good luck on your return to work! I'm sure you will do fine.
   — Martha O.

December 12, 2000
Gary, HI! I am a total dairy proponent so I suggest 1)kraft chedar cheese cubes(really easy for me to "digest.") 2)dannon light sugar-free yogurt. 3) slim jims (they're fattening but I eat them anyway. They go down well). 4) Do you have a microwave? How about fat-free hot dogs. Have fun!...Jennifer in Indiana...155 lbs. gone forever and ever:)
   — [Deactivated Member]

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