Do you have days where you have to force yourself to eat?

I am two months post op and feel great with a weight loss of over 40 lbs. I am no longer craving candy, chips, high fat foods. All of the typical high calorie foods we are so familiar with before surgery. After surgery I craved but my cravings have left me. Over the last week or so, I have lost my appetite(SP). I have to force myself to eat. My surgeon wants me to eat as close to 1500 calories over several meals per day but I'm lucky if I can get in close to 1000 on some days. I'm returning to work today and I usually eat when I get to work(evening shift) and 4 hrs later during my lunch break . So I know I will be eating even less calories now. Any suggestions on how I can get in some extra calories? I still cannot eat fish, chicken, beef but can tolerate eggs, cheese, yogurt.    — Jan M. (posted on December 11, 2000)

December 11, 2000
Jan: I'm wondering why your surgeon wants you to eat so much? Mine thinks we should eat 600 to 800 until we lose all our excess weight. If you are eating 1000, then you are eating plenty!!!!!!!!! If you are having trouble with chicken and beef, make sure it is sufficiently moistened with broth, low cal gravy, or something. I wouldn't be trying to up my calories over 1000, no way! And, to answer your question, no, I don't have to force myself to eat, I still love to eat -- if anything, I have to stop myself at night which is when I want to graze. However, I do find that from day to day, I might be more or less hungry. Best wishes for continued success.
   — Cindy H.

December 11, 2000
Jan, I seem to remember at 2 months post-op I was having trouble eating too. I think it may be the introduction of purees and solids that we have to get used to again. In any case, I agree with Cindy...1000 calories a day will give you plenty, so I think you are doing just fine by listening to your body. Good luck!
   — Allie B.

December 11, 2000
I am having the same problem. I have to force myself to eat. I remember a time when food practically ran my life..and now it is barely apart of it. It takes some time to get use to. My doctor wants me to eat 6-7 meals a day. THAT IS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE. I just can't do it. But, we will make it through this. Best wishes to you.
   — Angela A.

December 11, 2000
I have not been hungry since my surgery 7 months ago. Only at my last three menstrual cycles have I had any cravings, and I am convinced it is head hunger. I am thankful that food is no longer first in my life.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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