What vitamins should I be taking?

Yesterday I went to the GNC to buy some protein drinks and started pondering switching vitamin supplements. Currently I take 1-2 flintstones complete vitamins per day. The lady I talked to said that recently the minimal recommended dosages of vitamins had changed. For example instead of 400 mcg of Folic Acid per day we are now required to get in 800 mcg. Im trying to find a good multivitamin to take daily but I havent had much luck finding one that has everything I need. I dont want to take handfuls of vitamins at a time or have to think about 2nd and 3rd dosages throughout the day. Likewise it scares me when I see vitamins with 10,000% the recommended dosage. Ive taken ones like that before and my skin broke out in yellow patches. Does anyone have any suggestions of a good multi-vitamin? Im trying to find something with a good supply of B12, iron, and folic acid. I dont know if RNY postops are asked to take more than that. Would someone share their vitamin regimin with me so I can keep my health up?    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 2, 2000)

August 2, 2000
You may find what I take excessive, but here it is: 2 childrens sugar free chewables (1 am and 1 pm). 1 Vitamin B complex, 1 biotin, 1 zinc (both for hair), 1,400+ mg. of calcium, 1 B-12 and 1 iron w/Vit. C. I take most in the am with the exception of the iron. Calcium I take all during the day and never with iron. It is a pain sometimes, but worth it I think. I am getting labs done in the next 2 weeks, so will be happy to report later. Good luck.
   — Dot W.

August 2, 2000
I am currently taking the All In One liquid vitamin made by Tropical Oassis. I got it at GNC and it not only has all the vitamins and minerals you need but also herbs for anit-oxidens and such. It is great. I have felt so energetic since starting it. Kim
   — Kim N.

August 2, 2000
I take one Physician's ProCARE multivitam with iron daily - Contains Vitamins A, C, D, E, B1, B2,B B6, B12 and Niacinamide, Folic Acid, and Iron. It is a strawberry chewable. 888-807-7622 Tums will get your calcium in. I use Pro Score 100 for protein. The only other supplement I have considered is zinc. I don't know if that comes in chewable or how it would taste if it did. Anyone who knows, please post! Thanks.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 2, 2000
I take one iron pill and vitamin C in the morning. Mid morning I take vitamin E, Zinc and ginka biolka about 1pm I take a centrium multivitamin and tums with calcium. I don't take an iron pill everyday. I don't know how far post op you are but it is best to check with your physician.
   — Sharon T.

August 2, 2000
A good multi might not cover the bases for an RNY. There are some elements we no longer can get in a decent amoutn from food, but not ALL elments, so taking 20 multis a day won't do it. The iron in a multi is not enough, so we need an iron that is NOT ferrous sulfate, take it with a vit C, not with anything else. We need 1500mg (elemental-see fine print on pkg) of calcium WITH vit D. We also need, A, D, E, zinc and B12. B12 will not absorb from food or pill, so try the sublingual. Because it dissolves through the mouth tissues, you get 100% absorption of it. Some take these weekly, some daily. I know it'd be great to just pop 2 or 3 pills per day, but the price you pay to ditch all the presciption meds you don't need now(or will not need in the future) is that you'll have to take at least 2 vitamin groupings, along with your non-milk protein supplement. I split mine into 4 groups for maximum absorption, but I take larger doses. It's well worth it to be both thinner & healthier than I've ever been in my life.
   — vitalady

August 2, 2000
I take 1 GNC women's ultra mega w/ iron (please specify w/iron at the store) in the morning and one at bedtime. It's got everything you're looking for.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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