A protein powder low in sugar-high in protein, and it's good!

I read a post here recently about soy nuts, high in protein and low in sugar. I ordered some and they are great. I also tried their protein low carb meal shakes 35 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar and it's good. I have now ordered their protein bars, and expect them to be as good as the other products. You may want to check them out, their web page wouldnt work for me, so here's their 800 number: 800-705-5226. If you're like me and need to jack up your protein intake, but hate those nasty tasting protein powders, you may want to look at this!    — Shelly G. (posted on July 14, 2000)

July 14, 2000
Thanks for the info. Please email and tell me the name of the product. Also, I use Spiru-Tein from the health food store. It's soy also and comes in many flavors - from the health food store. But, yours has even more protein. I'm checking into it but would like the name of it.
   — Cindy H.

July 14, 2000
Is this really true? I have had a Heck of a time finding something that will pass my taste buds. I really need to consume more protein. Do they have a cataloge? See even us older post op patients can learn from the newer patients. Thanks Avis Gandy [email protected]
   — Avis G.

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