I cant seem to slow down my eating even though it makes me throw up.

Ive always had an unhealthy attitude towards food and now that Im post-op I thought I could cure that dependency. Im 2 months out though and still find myself eating too quickly and too much. It doesnt seem to bother me enough that I throw up because I know I can just take a quick trip to the bathroom and make myself throw up at will and then everythings better. It makes me think of that eating disorder, bulemia I think its called. I know I need to slow down but I just dont seem to do so. Did anyone else have this problem?    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 5, 1999)

December 4, 1999
What else are you doing while you are eating? Reading a newspaper or watching TV. THese lead me to the same problem although I do not throw up. i sometimes over eat and eat too fast. I become very uncomfortable. But if I am eating with other people it is easier because of the conversation. Also try throwing away or storing half of what you make. put it away before you eat it, even if it isn't enoughand then stop and start eating. maybe get up and do some thing else and then go back. My children use this one because they say thats why they made microwaves..
   — snicklefritz

December 5, 1999
Boy it really goes to show how people are different!! I do better when I watch TV or read cause then I tend to eat slower!! Keep trying different things and sooner or later you hit what is right for you! I would recommend that you figure it out soon though cause over eating is bad for your pouch and vomitting often is bad for the sphincter between the stomach and the esophagus. Not to mention what stomach acid can do to your esopahagus and teeth. ~:o)
   — Lisa O.

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