is it normal to not feel full after eating?

i am 2 weeks post-op and do not feel as full as i think i should. i can eat four soda crackers and some jello and feel as though i haven't teken a bite. did my surgery not work? i am very concerned.    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 2, 1999)

September 2, 1999
Find out the size of your pouch from the doctor. Then, put an average meal (4 crackers & some s/f jello) in a blender. Measure it and see if yoru op report matches your reality. If not, then go to your doctor with your research. Every doctor does things a little differently and no two pts will be alike. Study you, then compare with him. You might be right on with what had planned for you!
   — vitalady

September 2, 1999
Remember that not feeling full and being hungry are two different things. We are all so used to eating beyond full that we don't know what it is like to just eat until we are no longer hungry. Feeling full after WLS can be a very unpleasent experience, so don't push it. Eat the small portions that you know are right and as long as you are no longer physically hungry, you are doing fine.
   — dboat

September 2, 1999
Crackers two weeks post-op? Is this what your doctor recommended? How are you getting any protein on jello and crackers? Please check with your instructions and/or your doctor. If you're not getting any protein, that might explain why you're feeling so hungry.
   — Sherrie G.

September 3, 1999
same thing happened to me. I have not lost much weight.I had myn surgery 5 months ago only lost 15 lbs. Maybe there is someonelse like us.
   — MARIE T.

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