I am on trileptal, seroquel and celexa for depression also potassium and several

other meds, Do meds have to be crushed or liquid form post op please advise. Thaks    — suesloozin (posted on May 2, 2005)

May 2, 2005
I have been on Celexa for 6-7 years. While I was in the hospital they crushed my pills and gave them to me through my g-tube. But as soon as I went home I could take them by mouth. Every doc is different about this so talk with your surgeon. At first large pills can be scary or even a problem but usually breaking them into pieces or crushing solves that. Celexa is small, so it should not be a problem. <p>On a separate note be aware that you may find in time that you need more medication. It took about 9 months before it became obvious that I wasn't as well controlled as I had been. At 6 months I had some emotional changes but did not put it all together till about 9 months. We finally figured that I must have been malabsorbing some of my Celexa and increased it. We tried an additional 20 mg's but that was too much and gave me a headache. So we went to 10 mgs and that was the answer. I am now 27 months PO and am still on the larger dose. I take 70mg's in the morning. While it is a very large dose we arrived at it very slowly and over time. It's what my body needs to be balanced and able to deal with life and be happy. So be it! Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

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