
Can u bruise your pouch..Saturday i woke up feeling as if my pouch was bruised.. I think machanically its fine because I have no problem or pain from eating or drinking... i just less of an appetite as I normally do... my stomach was very sore where my pouch is it was tender to the touch, it hurt when i moved especially when I twisted or turned(some might say then don't twist and turn) but I had 6 kids from 7-15 in the house that day, I was so sore and tender that I took a darvocet(perscribed for my back pain) and it did nothing. I curled up in a ball and was asleep by 8pm.. when i woke Sunday although I was still sore I was able to function. . I was fine most of monday until yesterday evening.. My pouch feels sore and bruised again I am a stomach sleeper and it is sore to lay on and still a little tender to the touch...It is only in the pouch area I thought perhaps that maybe I was constipated and really needed to empty my system so I took care of that and my pouch is STILL tender. IS IT POSSIBLE TO BRUISE YOUR POUCH . and no I didn't get in the stomach by anything although I'm sure that would be easier to deal with... any suggestions    — tracy W. (posted on March 8, 2005)

March 8, 2005
I don't know if it is possible or not, but I really think you should call your Dr. and find out what he thinks.
   — KellyJeanB

March 9, 2005
Could be adhesions or a muscle strain. Try an antiinflammatory if you dare. Call your doctor if it doesn't get better. Good luck, Cathy
   — catleth

March 10, 2005
I experienced a similar experience. It felt very sore and tender around my pouch area. I gave it a day and a half then called my surgeon. He had me go to the ER and have a CAT scan... Athough there was swelling they couldn't figure out what caused it, but said it could be a twisted bowel. Although it got better and the actual cause was never discovered, it's not worth taking a chance! I would call your Dr!
   — Carmen S.

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