I had my JP drain removed yesterday and it caused a lot of pain.

Not immediately, but in about 30 minutes, I almost couldn't stand up, almost as much pain as when I woke up after surgery. I am 12 days post op, and I have felt pretty good up until now. I called the surgeon's office and they said to take pain meds and monitor the wound site for too much seepage. I guess having this pain is not normal. There was about 18 inches of drain in my abdomen that was pulled out so the pain is literally clear across, above my belly button but below my rib cage. Did anyone else experience this?    — Amy C. (posted on February 16, 2005)

February 16, 2005
I am sorry to hear of your discomfort. I too had a JP drain, but only because my surgeon nicked my liver during my procedure. I had mine removed before I left the hospital though (2 days). Perhaps the length of time you had it in place has something to do wiht it. I know it did not hurt me to have it removed. It was much longer than I expected (I got light headed when I saw it), I was told to exhale when they pulled it out. It felt gross, but no pain at all. Follow your doctors advice and watch the site closely, I left with only a band aid on my site and no drainage. Good luck. Angela (252/152/140)
   — Angela T.

February 16, 2005
Although it has been about 1.5 years ago. I too had severe pain which started about 30 minutes after my JP was removed, which lasted the rest of the day. Mine was in for about 10 days. I too called, and my surgeon advised that this sometimes happens. It was very severe pain! I hope you feel better soon!
   — Ellie A.

February 16, 2005
Amy, I too had pain from my drain site. Although mine started the night after my 1 week check-up and lasted about a week. The DR said it was normal and that the pain was my muscle healing from the incision. It hurt to roll over in bed and when sitting down (if I had pants that weren't loose). Good news is that the pain went away.
   — Chavala B.

February 17, 2005
Thanks for your answers. Its comforting to know that others had this issue. I'm actually getting better...the pain now is more like really painful gas, like I have air in my abdomen, but its a LOT better than it was. Thanks again.
   — Amy C.

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