What should I expect Circumferential abdominoplasty ...

Circumferential abdominoplasty and breast reduction scheduled for 2/9/05--going for 2nd consult next week. From your experiences with PS, can anyone suggest forgotten questions I should ask (I know the basics-I am looking for unusual questions). I am nervous, excited, and scared and asking for comments, both positive and negative, to help me survive the next 28 dayw !! please email me: [email protected] // Thanks to all for your help - RNY 5/20/02 = 333 / 205 // Marilyn    — Dispatcher M. (posted on January 13, 2005)

January 13, 2005
Congratulations to you. You will be in pain for awhile and I hope you have a recliner at home to sleep in for the first few weeks. But the end always justifies the means. The results will be amazing. I had circumferential abdominoplasty 12/22/03 and the results were unreal. If you want more info, don't hesitate to email at [email protected].
   — Steve B.

January 13, 2005
Here are my top two tips :) Take your pain pills on time, every 4 hours (or whatever they say) for the first week so that the pain doesn't get ahead of you. This really makes things easier. Tip number two is that pain pills make you SOOOOO constipated. This was, hands down, the worst part of the whole experiance. So, prepare early. Major fiber and colace, etc (or whatever works for you).
   — mom2jtx3

January 14, 2005
Hi there, I am 2 weeks post op abdominoplasty and hernia repairs. Honestly- stay on your meds and please do me a favor and take colace or senekot for constipation by day 3.. This was the worst part for me... But, within a day of taking senekot I was all better. Good luck, you will be very happy with your results- best wishes!! Laura
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 28, 2005
Hi, I had a Lower Body lift on 12/7. The first week is really hard and painful, but after that every day was a big improvement. I went back to work after 4 weeks. It is so worth everything!!! I finally feel normal for the first time in my life. The extra skin around my sides and hanging over my butt and front is just gone. I'm flat! and have a normal body now. I'd still like to have my underarms and thighs done, but for the most part I'm sooo happy. The incisions dry up after two weeks or so. I still have two places that ooze a little bit, but they are healing up too. I slept in a recliner and was back and forth between it and the bed. Slept on my back, but can now sleep on my stomach. I've bought all kinds of new clothes, and down one size so far. They removed 14 lbs. I'm down 15lbs so far. The swelling is still a problem, but goes up and down. I've just now stopped wearing a binder or girdle. Buy several panty girdles for the first two months. Try to rest as much as you can, that helps with the swelling. good luck. you will be soooo happy you did this!
   — mbradley35

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