
BAD NEWS: My appeal was for panniculectomy was just denied due to no documentation of failed conservative trearment in the physician notes...GOOD NEWS: I have 90 days to file for a state hearing... denial letter dated Dec 2nd.. goin to see pcp this week with a rash to get rx... my question is will the 3 months I have to file be a long enough period to show failed conservative treatment...if I have constant rashes the whole time (showing rashes to my pcp is not going to be a problem for me). AND does anyone know about how long does it usually take from the time you file for a state hearing to the actually hearing.. like does it have to take place with 30-90days ect. thanks guys...    — tracy W. (posted on December 7, 2004)

December 11, 2004
What the heck is conservative treatment for a panniculus? I swear insurance reviewers are just plain crazy!!!!! Sorry I have no helpful advise except be sure to file a complaint with the insurance commissioner for your state.
   — catleth

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