What do you think?

Hi, it's been a long time since I've been on here. I've been dealing with a few issues. Here it goes. Well, somtime during the journey I kept on throwing up and losing weight. At first it was OK, because I knew of a lot of people that didn't make it to goal and I was surely getting there. I thought I kept on throwing up because I was over doing it or didn't chew well or ate to fast or not the right foods. Even though I totally eliminated rice, breads, and pastas. But, I still justified it thinking I was one of those who just didn't tolerate these foods. I did tell the surgeon, and he kept on reinforcing the right foods, chew well, eat slower. It got progressivley worst. I was hospitalized three times for dehydration. The last time I was in the hospital, I went in with 88 lbs. The surgeon told me that they were going to insert a feeding tube. Miracoulasly(spelling?), I started eating before they inserted the feeding tube while I was at the hospital. So, now I thought it was a mental thing. They mentioned feeding tube and it sent a message to the brain telling me I needed to eat. Everyone was starting to tell me it was mental. I started to believe it. Before I left the hospital, the surgeon was going to perform an upper endoscopy. He found I had stricture from the new pouch to the intestine. It was not letting any food down. All this time and there was a reason. I was weak, and malnourished. That was about a month ago. I have now been eating a little too good. I'm very worried because I'm eating with this desire. I want to cram down everything I wasn't able to have for almost a year and a half. I've gained 9 lbs. in a month. I think maybe this quick weight gain because any food I put in a 88 lb. body will gain weight. I hope so. I recognize that I want more food than anybody at work. More than my husband. Of course, everybody tells me it's OK becuase I need to gain weight. But nobody was obese like I use to be. I thought I was a changed person. I didn't eat rice, breads, or pastas. But that has all changed in one short month. I'm telling myself I will stop when I gain 10 more lbs. But , how many times did I say that before when I was on a diet? Does anyone think I'm worrying legitamately, or I'm just gaining weight because I was so thin?    — Jessica Hernandez (posted on April 14, 2004)

April 14, 2004
BMI 18.9 thats low. Your body is trying to get to where it knows it belongs. I wouldnt worry too much and besides a 10 to 15 pound bounceback is normal for most folks. I would keep a eye on your weight and not let it get out of control. At some point many of us realize we will have to live hungry at least occasionally. Not the devasting hunger of pre op just the nagging irritation of postie life. Have you called your surgeon on this? I think your normal since your bmi is so low, essentially you were starving and your body is trying to adjust
   — bob-haller

April 14, 2004
   — T. Rosario

April 14, 2004
at 88 pounds you were severley underweight & malnourished. You body wants to live, you must eat to live. you need to see your dr or dietician and get advice as to what is the right weight for your body. At this point if you don't gain weight you might hurt your health. Take care of your self! god luck
   — **willow**

April 14, 2004
Jessie, you need to gain weight and you need to see a counselor. I realize that you had a terrible physical problem, but we all are dealing with eating disorders through out our journey. Seek help, and get healthy.
   — debmi

April 14, 2004
Wow, this could be my story!! I was hospitalized 3 times within 2 weeks for dehydration, but had a bunch of other things going on also. The difference is that I ended up malnourished and vitamin deficient and now have neuropathy in my legs. Did you get neuropathy? I gained back about 10 lbs, but lost over 20 in about 2.5 weeks. I did the same thing that you did, overcompensated for not eating for nearly a month. Now, I eat mostly protien and then vegetables and I've started losing again. I decided that I shouldn't have lost that 20 lbs so quick and have no problem relosing it. Just make up your mind that you will get back on track and you will, you still have your tool and you just have to make yourself use it. Good Luck!!
   — tmchase62

April 14, 2004
Wow, I had a stricture at 3 months and knew right away something was wrong. There was no way I could have gone as long as you did with the way I was feeling. I really think your body is going to gain weight at this point no matter what since it was literally starving, BUT I don't think you are in danger of gaining ALL of it back. I would suggest you find a counselor to help you with the mental aspects of this recovery. <p> Please, everyone reading this question, know that throwing up on a consistent basis for such a long period of time is not normal after WLS. There may be occasions where we eat too fast, or don't chew too well, but it should never be an 'anytime you put something in you throw up' kind of thing- that is not normal and you should INSIST on getting it checked out. <p> Jessica, I'm really glad you got the stricture taken care of, and you are now getting to a healthy weight. Please take care of yourself.
   — Ali M

April 15, 2004
I am glad you are finally getting and better. You know I was once anorexic, which is what happened to you (not by choice). I now know that "PROTEIN" would have help me from going from one extreme to the other. Your day should start with protein and end with protein. Gaining 9 pounds is not bad your body has been deprived and your mind is sending signals to grab and hold anything in sight. But you have the ultimate control. You still need to gain, but doing it in a healthy way even if you need to see a "eating disorder" nutritionist.
   — Anna M.

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