Does anyone else have diarrea?

I had my surgery 7/18/03 and have lost 106 pounds. I have not had any problem with bowel movements until recently. For the past 21/2 weeks with everything I eat I have diahhrea. I first thought I had got a stomach virus that was going around, but not this long. I have also noticed my stomach having a knawing, sick feeling at times. Does anyone know what this might be? Thanks for you answers.    — cindylou56 (posted on March 7, 2004)

March 7, 2004
Hi Linda! --nice name, btw *G* <br> I have had loose stools for years. I thought this would clear up after surgery, since most have problems with constipation, but this was not to be. <br> Lately, I have been having excessive gas, gnawing abd pain, and really watery stools. After a process of elimination, I have pin-pointed the culprit. <br> I discovered "sugar free" candy! But, the alcohol sugars that are used in this stuff was <i>killing</i> me! One of the candies uses lactose...which I already knew I could not tolerate. (I had lactose problems pre-op.)<br> I cut these out, and my problems are going away. I know I will always have loose stools, but at least now they're becoming manageable again!<br> Olean, the "fat free oil" that is used in products such as WOW chips will do the same thing to me. I knew this preop so have avoided this product. <br> This may not be your problem at all, and I strongly advice seeing your doctor. This is just what I found to be causing this problem for me. Good luck, and hope you're feeling better soon.<br> Hugs,<br> Linda
   — Linda S.

March 7, 2004
Have you been checked for giardia? It is an intestinal bug that can last a long time. Ask your doctor to check your stool sample.
   — citygirl1971

March 17, 2004
I'd bet on dumping . . . have you added more sugars, carbs, fat or milk lately? <p> Try cutting back to protein and low glycemic index veggies *only* for a while, and see if that helps. <p> If you don't do them, protein shakes can help with getting the protein in, with no pain, hassle. Check out
   — RWH G.

March 18, 2004
I also have been plagued with diarhea for years, before my WLS and after. I have Irritable Bowl Syndrome. I do find it gets worse though if I consume too much sugar subsitutes, especially sugar alcohols that are in most of the protein bars and drinks. Have you added a new product to your diet? I have also heard that too much carbs from breads, crackers and cookies can cause an overgrowth of yeast in the intestine that creates a lot of diarhea. Best advice is to do some process of elimination in your diet and see if that helps. Also, I have a friend that gets diarhea whenever she is stressed or emotionally fragile. She works too many hours or has a fight with the hubby and pays for it on the toilet.
   — linda A.

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