Any suggestion for relief of pain from Fibro Pre Op? surgery is a week from tomorrow and it seems that the more stressed I guess the more pain I have from my surgeon has said to keep moving but just walking around is an effort..HELP I don't want to go into surgery already in pain!!    — Redbunny2 (posted on January 19, 2004)

January 19, 2004
Kathy: I have Fibromyalgia/Myofacial Pain Complex. I am pre-op as well. My doctor wants to keep me on medicine, neuronton and others. I will be having surgery later in the year. But I do not like the idea of being on meds. It was getting to the point where I could hardly walk through a store without feeling like I was going to die. I would sometimes use a wheelchair to get around. You are right strees does pay a major factor in how much pain you feel with this condition. There are two things that I can suggest. Walk like your doctor says, I know it will kill, but push yourself a little one day and a little more the next, push yourself just past the point you feel like you can not take it anymore. Than stop and start over the next day. Also, start relaxation techniques. WHatever works best for you. Personally I either pray, and I than get really calm and have a wonderful peaceful feeling come over me, which seems to lesson the pain, or try meditating, what ever works best for you. I am sorry you have so much pain I know how it feels. May Heavenly Father continue bless you on your journey and give you the strength and support you need.
   — Virginia D.

January 20, 2004
the posting about walking is a very good one, as is the idea of relaxation. prayer is good, as are many other methods; however, something i use is called "Square Breathing". I find it very useful and very relaxing. A person seats themself comfortably into a chair, both feet flat on the floor; rest hands on lap - not crossed - one hand on each thigh; breathe in through your nose, slowly and deeply, to a count (perhaps 1 - 2 -3 to start with - work up as you become accustomed to doing it); next, HOLD that intaken breath to the same slow count; next EXHALE through your mouth to the SAME SLOW COUNT; finally, HOLD the EXHALATION to the same slow count. Perhaps after breathing normally for a moment, try it again. It actually changes the chemistry of the brain, providing relaxation and tremendous relief. By the way, I also have fibro and mine tortured me beyond belief immediately pre-op. It's the fear and stress we feel before surgery. I am 16 weeks out and down 96 pounds, and NOW I CAN WALK! (If it would just stop snowing here in Reno long enough for me to enjoy walking without intense pain!) Good luck, my dear! Diana.
   — Diana D.

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