Sharp pain when drinking anything 5 days post-op

I had a lap rny on the 16th of this month and have sharp pain around my left lung area between my drain tube and my breast. I feel my tummy churning and talking to me all the time but when I take my liquids, especially water, I get a sharp pain again like I have a gas bubble trapped between my heart and stomach. I have trouble getting the burps up and so far have been limited to watered down juice, sf Jello, sf ice pops and chicken broth. Plain water hurts worse than the above. I am drinking slow and taking small sips but bigger gulps work up a burp and I feel better sooner. I'm having trouble getting in my water because of it and feel overwhelmed by having to take vitamins, pepcid and blood pressure tabs all twice a day and then Maalox on top of it. Don't even have time to fit in the pain med. Do you think the pain medicine will help? I'm only in pain from the gas, everything else is pretty minor. Also... what is the minimum & maximum time for having your drain tube removed? I thought it depended on whether or not it was done draining but they want to take mine out one week post-op & it's still going pretty good. I tried to reach the doctor yesterday but never got an answer or call back & just curious if taking more Maalox or pepcid will help. Thanks for your input.    — boonikki29 (posted on December 20, 2003)

December 21, 2003
My Dr. recommended MYLACON infant drops after my surgery (11-13) I took 2-3 little droppers full as needed. I've only needed it 2 times in the last couple of weeks. I got the generic type and it has really helped. Try it I hope it helps. Good luck. Mary
   — mary K.

December 21, 2003
The large sips are what is hurting!!! I am 5 months out and still cannot take large sips without severe pain. At the point you are at, I had to take a small sip into my mouth, allow it warm up (anything cold hurt!), and then take 2-3 swallows to get down that one sip! Just slow down, and try warm or lukewarm liquids for a while....You should be having a follow up visit very soon, and you should discuss it with the doctor then, to be sure, but I think it's just part of the learning curve, and getting used to a different way of drinking, swallowing, eating, etc. Good luck
   — Kelly B.

December 24, 2003
One of my friends told me to help prevent or lessen gas, before you take a drink, exhale. That way, you're not getting that air down in your pouch and gut. I've used the Mylocon chewables for gas and they worked wonders. I had my drain tube removed the day I left the hospital (2 day stay). My leak check showed everything was hunky dorey and I didn't need it in any longer. Good luck to you!!! Those gas pains are a bear!!! RNY 12/17/03 271/257/150
   — Katherine H.

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