What kind of exercise now!!!

I have been having problems with my left foot and ankle. Family doctor sent me to an orthropedic Dr. I saw him today and was diagnosed with posterior tibia tendonitis. It is caused by a fallen arch. He wants me to get fitted for orthrodic shoes. He says absolutely NO walking. What kind of exercise can I do now. Dr. mentioned getting in the pool. Also he gave me celebrex. can I take the capsule or can I open it up and mix it with food. Thank you for your answers...    — cindylou56 (posted on November 3, 2003)

November 3, 2003
Water aerobics are great, and yoga would be good too.
   — RebeccaP

November 3, 2003
I'm sorry to hear this, Cynthia -- it's really hard to get around (let alone exercise) with bad feet. Although I had a different condition (plantar fascia), I did find that orthopaedic shoes (with prescription orthodic inserts) finally fixed my feet after a few months, where foot surgery really didn't.<P>On the exercise question, what about a recumbent bike? I traded my treadmill in for one when my feet went bad years ago. I really don't like exercise bikes, but the treadmill was out of the question, and it gave me something I could use at home without hurting my feet. I was glad I had it.
   — Suzy C.

November 3, 2003
Stationery bike?
   — mrsmyranow

November 3, 2003
I thought we couldn't take celebrex after RNY? I wear orthotics and they really help. Good luck!
   — corkee

November 3, 2003
Hello, I am no stranger to foot problems. I have had problems with BOTH feet & ankles. This is what I have: Achilles Bursitis AND Plantar Fasciitis My pain went away after surgery then after walking for 2 mo. it started back so I was told no walking. Try to exercise in a pool AND to ride a Recumbent Bike. You can get cortisone shots, take anti-inflammatory meds., heel cups, cast, etc. But after surgery not to sure what is the best. I just deal with every step I take it hurts. I am kind of disappointed after loosing 100 pounds in 4 mo. I figured I would not have these problems anymore. Janine Engler
   — Janine Greenwood

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