3 mos. post op and can suddenly eat more? Anyone else?

October 1st was 3 months post op for me and I have lost 66 pounds so far. Just over the past two days I've been able to eat more at one sitting. I do pretty much the same things everyday. I have a protien shake for breakfast, walk a couple of miles, drink all my water, have a small lunch (usually peanutbutter and crackers) then just a small dinner. Last night I finished and entire healthy choice lasagna dinner. Tonight I finished about 5" of a 6" turkey sub from Subway. I am full but not miserably full. I am so worried about this. Did this happen to you?? If so, was it just kind of a phase or is it permanent? How did this seemingly happen overnight?? All info is appreciated. Thanks in advance!!    — Jennifer H. (posted on October 3, 2003)

October 3, 2003
Your pouch does stretch over time-it is meant to and periodically (every few months for me) you will notice that you can eat more at meals. The first few months, we eat just a few ounces, but as time goes by you will be able to eat much more. Our pouches end up at 6-10 oz size. Consistency also comes into play-softer foods, like the lasagna, you can eat more of than say a chicken breast. Also keep in mind that just because you CAN eat 5 inches of a turkey sub (is that with the bread?), you don't have to... you still have to maintain some self-control over portion sizes. Your doing very well for 3 months..keep up the good work!
   — Cindy R.

October 3, 2003
Jennifer: What Cindy said was right on. I'd just add that it's possibly the time of your cycle that is allowing you eat more and feel hungrier. A subway sandwich with the bread is a huge amount to be eating at 3 months. If you could continually eat that then I think you might want to talk to your doctor about the possibility of an enlarged stoma. It's probably too early to worry about it right now, but it's something to think about if indeed suddenly you can eat a whole lot more than you could before. Now if the sandwich was without the bread then that's not that much food, and I wouldn't worry at all. Hopefully it's just a temporary cycle thing, and you don't have to worry about self control of portion size this early into the game. You're doing great though, so congratulations. S
   — sherry hedgecock

October 3, 2003
At about 3 months post op your pouch relaxes a little and has more give to it,instead of being so rigid.Your pouch and intestines also have learned to work better together as well, so you are able to eat a little bit more.
   — jennifer A.

October 3, 2003
YUP, YUP, YUP! It happened to me at 6 months out. Overnight I could eat almost a cup and a half of food. YIKES! It really freaked me out. But in your mind squish down that sub until all the air is out of it. A lot of that "volume" is simply air. I wouldn't worry about it. You'll find as you go along that many things can affect how much you can eat at a given time: Your hormones, how much and what you ate the last time, the type of food you're eating, whether you are drinking with the meal . . . Lots of things. But you'll also find that if you could eat that TODAY and came back tomorrow you probably couldn't eat that much again.
   — ctyst

October 3, 2003
Ditto what everybody else said, with this extra thought: Now is the time to begin emphasizing dense protein foods in your diet, as they take up more space in the pouch that most carbs, are generally lower in calories, and help stave off "head hunger" (which may cause you to eat more than you really wanted in one sitting). I'm not anti-carb, nor do I want to nag somebody who still isn't eating much, but you might want to re-think your menu if it typically contains crackers, pasta, *and* bread every day. Also, I notice that it seems you eat food only twice a day (and your lunch, if it's just crackers and peanut butter, is a really small meal). No wonder you're eating so much now when you do allow yourself to eat. It may be time to think about eating 5-6 small meals a day, to keep from being so hungry (and so in need of nutrition) that you eat more than you're comfortable with, mentally or physically, at your meals. We all hit these windows where we find we can eat more -- it's happened to me more than once, too, at 16 months out -- and I'm thinkin', as long as I fill up any extra space with protein, I'll stand a better chance of surviving my "increased capacity."
   — Suzy C.

October 3, 2003
Oh my goodness! I could have wrote this post. I was 3 months one day b/4 you. Had surgery on 6/30/03. I have lost 70 pds. in the 3 months, so we are right around the same. I too noticed that I can now eat more. I try to eat more chicken, fish, and turkey which fills me up for a longer period than pasta. Good luck and keep up the good work.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 3, 2003
I read an article from a Bariatric Doctor that indicated that the growth of the pouch is normal, but that you need to make your body get satisfied with no more than 4 oz of food. To be able to do that you need to eat about 4 oz of food every 3-4 hours. The more you eat the more will the pouch stretch and once the pouch stretch there is no much the Doctors can do. Be very careful! Good Luck!
   — earana

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