Can you mix your protein prowder drinks the night before?

I would like to make my drinks the night before so I can just grab it and go in the morning. Thanks :)    — Kimmie H. (posted on September 29, 2003)

September 29, 2003
I premix mine all the time, I have one of those small electric hand mixers. I have some of those shaker containers that you can get from Tupperware or Rubbermaid and I put them in the fridge to take to work or drink later. They have a tendency to seperate a little so I just give it a little shake and drink it on the go or at work.
   — ChristineB

September 29, 2003
It is my understanding that protein powders start to lose their protein power after about 30 minutes or if heated to the boiling point.
   — Carol S.

September 29, 2003
I have to agree with Carol. I,too, have read that it is no good after being opened or mixed longer than 30 mins.
   — Delores S.

September 29, 2003
The protein benefit is lost 30-40 min after the powder is mixed. Each passing hour it diminishes more.
   — M B.

September 29, 2003
I have called 2 protein manufacturers about this very question. Both told me it's not that the shake loses it's protein value but it's more about bacteria breeding. I was mixing mine in a tupperware shaker, leaving it sealed and drinking it later in the day or maybe the next day and they told me absolutely not to do that. They said 3-4 hrs. is the max to leave it in the fridge. After that, even if sealed, bacteria starts breeding. Hope this helps some. Robin - 9/17/02 - 290/146/135
   — Robin V.

September 29, 2003
Hi, Kimmie: I was just wondering if it would be possible for you to put your milk or water in one of those shaker containers, and put your protein powder in a plastic zip-lock baggie to take to work, and then mix it up when you're ready to drink it? This would cut out the bacteria problem and also the protein breakdown, which I've heard mixed stories about. I bought a battery-powered hand mixer by Avon specifically for mixing my protein drinks for only 5.99 and although I haven't used it yet (I just got it), I would think it would be very handy for this purpose. Good luck, hope this helps!
   — Moysa B.

September 29, 2003
I heard from several companies that the protein breaks down when it is mixed so you would lose the benefit of making it. Better to get one of the handheld shakers or mixers. Herbalife has an electric one for about 17.00 but there are others. A little hand held mixers can be gotten for about 6.00. I think a better choice although more expensive would be one of the pre-mixed shakes.
   — snicklefritz

September 30, 2003
hiya~ the "myth" of protein losing it's "power" or whatever is just that, a myth. i talked with real meals and the owner of a local supplement store who has a degree in biology and they both agree that protein is just as potent several hours later (even over night). all foods begin to "break down" if exposed to digestive enzymes so you don't want to drink out of your shake then put it back in the fridge and leave it for a few hours. if you want some, pour it into another cup. think about it, do you swig out of the milk carton & put it back? no then it becomes a breeding ground for all that bacteria you have in your mouth. and why would protein just "break down & lose potency" by being mixed with water or milk? when you make soup & mix it with water, does it "break down"? sorry if i sound gruff but i wish this myth would go away! 8-) good luck, kate
   — jkb

September 30, 2003
If you mixed a shake and it had 30gms of protein in it and it loses its benefit in 30 minutes, where did the protein go???? at 29 minutes it is ok but in 30 it is useless? I really question the logic of this myself. I say think it thru and you decide what you believe. The bacteria issue would be true of any food/milk product not properly stored / refrigerated.
   — **willow**

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