When is the best time to take vitamins, so that you get the absorbtion you need?

   — Alesia C. (posted on September 24, 2003)

September 24, 2003
<font color="007000" face="tahoma">I am no expert, but I have always heard (as a pre-op) that taking vitamins at night was best because thats when you need to replenish your supply, since your body has been working all day. Also, I dont think that the time of day makes a different with absorbtion (but again, I am no expert) <P>I, personally, take one multi-vitamin in the morning, and then one at night before I go to bed.<br>Good Luck! <I>~~Wendy D, RNY 4/23/03, -100 lbs!~~</I></font>
   — Wendy D P.

September 24, 2003
I don't have the whole picture here (maybe someone else will), but I was at a wellness seminar at work today and the doctor talked about calcium (in the context of osteoporosis). She said it is best to take calcium supplements twice a day, once first thing in the morning, and again just before bed, and to take them with plenty of water, and nowhere near coffee or tea. She also said to not take all of your vitamins at once, or right near a meal since your body can absorb only so much at a time (one multivit at a time, or individual vitamin supplements spaced out over time), and to always take your calcium separate from other vitamins (again issues of an adequate number of absorption sites, almost certainly lessened in WLS patients). So, in short, this doc's advise was to take calcium by itself in the a.m. and just before bed, and to spread your other vitamins out during the day, but not too close to food.
   — Vespa R.

September 24, 2003
I take my multi-vitamin and iron once in the morning and once at night. Just an FYI - do not take your iron and calcium at the same time. They are absorbed in the same place and they will fight against each other. Take care of yourself!
   — laurab

September 24, 2003
I take my vitamins before I go to bed. The reason is if I took them in the morning I would have nausea most of the day from them. It hasn't seemed to make a difference when I take them just as long as I do take them. I'm still getting all the benefits from them and my blood work is normal.
   — Patty H.

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