5 Months Post Op. Having bowel problems.

I am 5 months post op, down 80 pounds, and for 3 days now I have been experiencing much loose stools, and cramping in my abdominal area, and it radiates around to my back. I am wondering am I constipated, even though I am passing loose stuff? Because the pain feels like a big gas bubble trapped, and I can't get it out. I thought I had the flu, but surely after 3 days it should be done right? I have no other flu symptoms. I am wondering if anyone could maybe shed some light as to what you think it could be? I would appreciate any answers! Thanks!    — EHarding (posted on September 13, 2003)

September 13, 2003
Hi there. I went through something like this a couple of times. This is just advice but there are a couple of things you can try. First, I would try Milk of Magnesia. It works wonders. I use it now being almost 8 months post op as a last resort. I would also suggest eating something like bran cereal or cheese something that will help your stomach and bowels get situated. In all honesty you may want to contact your doctor and tell them what is going on to make sure they are aware of your situation if nothing else works. Good luck. I know it's no fun!
   — Kitty Kat

September 13, 2003
hi i would contact your dr and just let him know what is going on. first it could be constipation but it could also be obstruction, why take the chance. When you have an obstruction your intestines work real hard before the obstruction to try and push it out. What happens is some leak around the obstruction and comes out as loose stool. I do not want to worry you but always error on the side of safety this is your health. God Bless and Good Luck i hope you are just constipated please let me know you are okay.
   — susan B.

September 13, 2003
ORIGIONAL POSTER HERE: I just wanted to thank you for the advice. I went out and bought some Milk of Magnesia, and some Gas X chewable tablets. The pain in my gut is gone, and the loose stools have slowed waaaayyy down. Thanks you guys you are great! I just wanted to cry, I hurt so bad. So maybe it was the flu, huh? If it gets bad again, I am definately going to call my doc! Thanks again everyone! :)
   — EHarding

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