Question regarding dumping for the Post Ops.

I'm a 2+ month post op and have been learning what I can and can't eat. I've been adding one to two new items to my diet every week. Most of the time these new foods cause me no trouble. But occasionally I'll try something and dump. My question,is there something we can do minimize the effects of dumping once they start? Or do we just have to ride it out? Any suggestions would be appreciated.    — John B. (posted on September 9, 2003)

September 9, 2003
The few times that I have felt "sickish" after eating something it felt like it was already too LATE. I think the dumping comes when the food hits your intestines... and that is DEFINITELY too late to do anything about it... but ride it out. God bless you in your Journey.
   — Eleanore Davis

September 9, 2003
John- I have only dumped a couple of times from having foods that were too high in concentrated sugars. When the dumping starts, the only thing that works is to ride it out and learn from the experience, although sometimes sipping as much water as possible makes me feel a little better. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

September 9, 2003
The only thing you can do at that point is to lay down and wait it out. What you can do though is learn which foods/drinks cause the dumping and stay away from them. Liquid sugars will cause you to dump way before a solid food sugar will. I found that out at 4 mo post op with Starbucks white chocolate mocha coffee. Haven't had once since and don't plan to!
   — Cindy R.

September 9, 2003
Hi there. I went through much of the same. At times there are still things that make me dump today but not a week from now. I think that you have to focus on a couple different things. First, read labels. Low fat, no fat, and low in sugar, no sugar added or sugar substitutes. Also, focus on how much you are eating at one time and how fast you are eating it. I know that this seems like a pain but as time passes it becomes easier. I will be 8 months post op on the 29th of September and I still have to tell myself to focus. If all else fails at least try to get your liquids in then protein. It's tough but you can do it! Good luck on your new life and journey to goal!
   — Kitty Kat

September 9, 2003
John, I don't REALLY dump, but somethings make me feel really uncomfortable. This is what I do in this order (1) Try to walk it off (2) get fresh air (3) have some chamolmile tea (sp?) and (4) laydown and rub my tummy.
   — heathercross

September 9, 2003
OK this is probably gross BUT you asked. LOL I think the only thing you can do is ride it out. (Lying on the floor and moaning doesn't help. :) But I REEEEEALLY hate to throw up. So if I feel like I may be heading that direction, it is usually because I am really salivating a lot. I stay near the bathroom and spit out the extra saliva instead of swallowing it where it will only increase my nausea. Blow your nose while you're at it, since it will probably be running, too (and filling up your pouch with nasty stuff). Truth be told, I learned this trick in pregnancy. I think a lot of morning sickness has to do with excess saliva and sinus drainage into your stomach.<p>Told you it was gross. LOL
   — ctyst

September 9, 2003
Ride it out. Don't try to "wash it away", because the dumping crisis is a fluiods crisis. If you add more water to the intestine, the system calls in more water to alleviate the imbalance and intensifies the symptoms. I get cold hand/feet, dry mouth, as well as the heart palpitations, inability to concentrate, sleepiness, nausea, blurred vision. I used to try to drink it away, but that's just the opposite of what will speed it along. I lie on my left side so that whatever it was can at least move along the tract a lil faster.
   — vitalady

September 9, 2003
Unless you are eating sugary or very fatty foods I wonder if what is happening to you at 2 months out is dumping per se. (though it could be, I am a heinous dumper and have been all along) There is a real discomfort that comes with eating some new foods that people often refer to as dumping but if you have legitimately dumped you would rarely risk letting it happen again. (though I am shocked by what I dump on) I have had foods that disagreed with me that led to pain and vomitting. I have however dumped on some surprising things like protein bars and Altoids. The only thing that works for me is to lie on my left side with my arms stretched out over my head for about 15 minutes. I have no idea why this works but tried it on the advice of a longer term postie and it worked. I also have to have the room very cool or lie in front of a fan to ease the symptoms. There is no way that drinking helps and walking it off is just not an option for actual dumping. You have to wait it out and remember which foods pushed you over the edge so as to avoid them later. Good luck!
   — Carol S.

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