I am 4 months post-op & no period since day after surgery.Is this normal?

I can usually tell when I ovulate but haven't felt anything! I have an appt. w/gyn . on 9-16.I'm not on birth control but thought symptoms I've had were surgery related not pregnancy related-should I be worried?    — Victoria M. (posted on August 30, 2003)

August 30, 2003
Totaly impossible to guess. If you were very regular before surgery then the odds might be in your favor that you are pregnant. If you are, I truly hope you want to be. If you were not regular before surgery then most likely your body is still finding it's way. The period right after surgery is very common, even for women who haven't had one for a very long time. It's sort of a way for your body to react to the shock of surgery. I have been on Depo shots since 1995 so I was never blessed with the surprise period, which was fine with me. <p>I know that even on the Depo, about 3-4 months out I could tell hormones were going wacko in my body. I had lots of breast tenderness and could have sworn I was pregnant by the symptoms, but it would have had to be an immaculate conception at that point. LOL So it is possible you are just going through the hormone shift like I did. I hope it works out however, you want it to.
   — zoedogcbr

August 30, 2003
i have had much lighter periods and the last one didn't even register, (there was pink when I wiped, so I started using a tampon because it was time anyway, but I never actually bled, I just wasted some tampons) (but i'm not complaining) I too, wondered if this was normal. I know that with any big event such as a wedding, funeral , surgery etc. you can have a wacky period, but I could get use to not having one!!! 6 months and down 87 pounds!!!
   — SHILOH S.

August 31, 2003
I agree with the losing weight making your hormones crazy. I didn't get a period for 3 months. Then I got one at 4 months and became pregnant the following month (can't say I was preventing it). I wouldn't worry about not getting your period, but do practice borth control because you could start ovulating at any time.
   — emilyfink

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