Am I messing up this diet ALREADY or being impatient?

I thought I was doing great when I lost 10# in four days and then another 2#. Now everything has seemed to stall. I am 9 days post and stuck at a 12# loss. Could not eatig enough cause this? Or not enough protien? I am able to eat upto 1/2c food three times a day and fill the rest of the day with water. I am sticking to cottage cheese and yogurt, plus protien powder. I am trying to avoid straight carbs but did enjoy some of the OUTBACKS garlic mashed potatoes last night. Am I messing up this diet already or being impatient? Frustraded and ready to through out my scale. No one around me gets it.    — candylnd24 (posted on July 31, 2003)

July 31, 2003
Impatient, definitely :>) And I agree with the idea of tossing your scale (at least for the first three months!).
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 31, 2003
Relax~ a bite or two won't ruin your process. I know how easy it is to want to wake up one morning to find the weight ALL GONE. But trust me on this one. The slower you loose, the better you'll be. I lost very slowly but it gave my skin time to shrink with me and I really don't need plastic saggy legs, chin, neck or arms. My stomach, welllll, I don't NEEEED it but I do have a small area that I'd love to see gone. I can still wear a two piece though. Best of luck! (RNY 5/16/02 5'3" 232 down to 137)
   — blueyez2668

July 31, 2003
Yeah, ditch the scale. It drives the sanest of us absolutely crazy, especially in the beginning. If you want to record your progress, go to and start recording your food intake every day. As time goes on, and you start to eat more in the next few months, you can track how well you're doing with your protein versus carbs and all that. Re-learning the eating habits is something YOU have control over, especially now, when Pouch The Enforcer doesn't let you eat much anyway. But the scale -- that accursed thing, you have NO control over. Try not to weigh in more than once a week, and if you can stand it -- try to make it once a month. You can always take your measurements weekly (or more often) if you like; they don't seem to pack the same emotional wallop as the danged scale does, and you WILL see inches disappearing. Hang in there!!
   — Suzy C.

July 31, 2003
Surgeons and dietitians would save a lot of heartache if they would just tell their patients that EVERYONE hits a small plateau somewhere in weeks 2 to 4. It is your body trying to heal and adjust. Nothing more. You didn't cause it. It's not your fault. The surgery is not failing you. Fortunately, my dietititan told me this would happen, so I was not freaked out, but I can imagine the horrible thoughts that must go through a person's head when this happens unexpectedly.
   — Vespa R.

July 31, 2003
if i am reading right you aren't at a plateau. you have lost 12 pounds in 9 days..i don't understand how you would think this is slow or even a plateau. i wouldn't worry about a plateau untill you haven't lost anything for about 10 days. good luck to you
   — franbvan

July 31, 2003
Just thought I would reflect back to you your have lost 12 pounds in 9 days. Are you seriously complaining about this? lol Just thought I would give you some food for thought.
   — MissKimberly

August 1, 2003
Hi, Elizabeth: I am still pre-op, but I think you're just being a little impatient, which is hard not to do, especially after all the waiting we've done to even GET this surgery. You'd think eating as small amounts as that the weight would just continually melt off. My humble advice would be to ditch the scale! I think I'm gonna have my dh hide it while I'm in the hospital and have him only take it out once a week; I'm an obsessive daily weigher! Good luck, Sweetie, I'm sure you'll get past this!
   — Moysa B.

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