how do you deal with asthma that is acting up related to being stressed.

Hey Guys, Have any of ya'll had your asthma to start acting up the closer to surgery you got. Mine is really cutting up. It hardly ever acts up and now that I am only a few days away from surgery, I can't breathe. Do you have any suggestions short of going for another expensive Dr's visit? Thanks..Jane.    — peanutpatty (posted on July 28, 2003)

July 28, 2003
With surgery only a couple of days aware I definitely would get in to the doctor. Don't take a chance. You want your lungs at their best. Hope you feel better quickly.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 28, 2003
CALL YOUR DOCTOR...I had to take a precautionary dose of Prednisone the night before my surgery to make sure my breathing was good enough to operate.
   — Linda 1.

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