i am 6 weeks post open rny and am still feeling a lot of discomfort

in my incision- it seems to be totally healed and there is no redness or swelling, but it is very tender- it even hurts when my clothes brush against it- at this point this is the biggest hindrance to my recovery- has anyone else had this and is it normal at 6 weeks? if so, is there anything i can do about it and when will it stop?!!! thanks- janey open rny 6/2/03 -35 lbs p: i am 50 y/o    — Jannie N. (posted on July 13, 2003)

July 13, 2003
Janey - I had the same discomfort at 6 weeks (and beyond). I discussed it with my PCP and he advised that it was perfectly normal. Everything is still healing inside, as well as, your body is still adjusting to the 'rearranging'! He said some ppl experience incision pain (not just from this surgery but from any surgery that requires a larger incision) for up to a year. The pain definitely improves every month. I'm 6 months post-op now and rarely experience any tenderness in the incision area or intestinal area. We just continued my Hydrocodone Rx and I would take 1/2 tablet whenever I was uncomfortable. It worked very well for me. As always, please discuss any discomforts with your physician or surgeon so he can be sure it's nothing out of the ordinary. Incidentally ~ Congrats on your Weight Loss! You're doing terrific! *hugs* (Open RNY, 1/3/03, 330/225/175)
   — chelle3081

July 13, 2003
Janey, I had my open RNY on May 23 and still have some discomfort around the incision. Weird thing is, it seems to move around! Some days it feels pretty good and other days it's really sore. My doctor's nurse explained that it is just all of the changes your body is going through - there is constant change and healing taking place and your body is working hard to repair itself. I find that the more I move around the less sore I am. A couple of Tylenol here and there helps too. Hang in there - it WILL get better! Jody M. - Open RNY 5/23/03 - 40 pounds gone!
   — MomBear2Cubs

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